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The Spam Thread!
I'll be away until Monday starting tomorrow. Going to vacation in Bali. Wish me a good trip.

Prudie, you have been missing for quite a while. Pity I don't get to see your comment on my depiction of your youngest child before I go. I hope you're fine and I hope I'll see your post by the time I get back.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
I'm sorry! Have a fun trip!
RAMChYLD Wrote:Never mind, all good. Package arrived 6 days late...

As for LCD, I have used one of those handheld portable LCD TVs with an NES in the past. No problems there Tongue

Yeah, because the LCD is small enough to negate the upscaled graphics. Tongue In other words, it looks fine on such a small LCD. But I can never use an LCD that small for daily viewing... unless if I went on a trip and brought along an FC Mobile with TV Output.

In other news.... it has happened.

Nintendo has proceeded to discontinue the online channels that they said they would close on the 27th... which is today. Good thing I recorded last minute memorial footage from the Weather and News channels as those were the channels I used the most. The Weather channel closed up about an hour after the recording was made.

The Weather channel may not have had my particular town in the map, but it did have the state capitol, 90 miles away. Close enough. The soothing music will sorely be missed.

So far, it appears Mario Kart Channel still works. I don't know if AC:CF will still work though since I never really tested the online capabilities.

As for the Wii U... I should be getting one by the end of Summer if all goes well. If not, I will have to save up for one on my own.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:So far, it appears Mario Kart Channel still works. I don't know if AC:CF will still work though since I never really tested the online capabilities.
My guess: It will keep on working until an AC game for the Wii U is released. Nintendo did release a channel that allowed people to move the game save from the Wii to the Wii U if they decide to upgrade. Although I guess the online component stops working the moment Nintendo decides to drop support for original Wii games in their next console.

As for me, I'm working towards getting a 3DS first, since AC:NL is now the next game I need to get.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I saw a flyer for a rummage sale earlier today.... sale is tomorrow morning.

Flyer had pictures of items that will be sold.

One of the pictures? A stack of SSC 2003/2006 DVDs... about eight or ten of them!

Here is hoping I can score them all.... if they don't cost too much that is.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Good news... Rummage sale still had those SSC DVDs. Bad news... they were $5 a pop! Because of that, I was only able to get two, and I chose the ones with the names I find interesting.... "Best Pets Yet" and "Moonlight Mysteries".

Better than none I guess.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:Yeah, because the LCD is small enough to negate the upscaled graphic
The LCD screen was a 768x576 low-dpi 3" PSTN display :ugeek:

The entire set was made by Citizen, and it was a much more bulky solution than what Casio had put out (it'd only fit large coat pockets. And oh, it was a clamshell device). But since it was the cheapest of handheld LCD TVs in the market back in 1990, it's what my dad bought.

Oh, I just read through the Wii services discontinuation functionality. Looks like Wii Messaging is also gone. It also states that certain games will also cease receiving mail. I hope it doesn't indirectly mean that Animal Crossing City Folk's mailbox system is shutting down. I mean, they don't even have an Animal Crossing game for the Wii U yet!

But my stand still stays. The moment an Animal Crossing game comes out for the Wii U, I'm getting it. In the meantime...
[Image: boa24bo.jpg]

cpd2009 Wrote:Good news... Rummage sale still had those SSC DVDs. Bad news... they were $5 a pop! Because of that, I was only able to get two, and I chose the ones with the names I find interesting.... "Best Pets Yet" and "Moonlight Mysteries".

Better than none I guess.
Best Pet Yet has the best episodes of the series. Heck, my original avatar came from one of the episodes on that DVD.

Come to think of it, I want said avatar back.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Back from vacation. Everything went fine and well. My brother got to see a rainbow for the first time in his life.

Overall, exhausting yet satisfying.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:rainbow
What does it mean?
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Uhh... this?
[Image: rainbow-2.jpg]
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
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