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The Spam Thread!
RAMChYLD Wrote:I wouldn't recommend using a bluetooth keyboard as the only keyboard on a PC. Besides, why get an official Apple keyboard? Lots of cheapo knockoffs (which would probably work just as well if not for the cheapo feel) can be found on eBay for a fraction of the price.

Anyways, woke up with a nasty hangover today and apparently I'll be going to sleep with the same hangover.
Well, Apple keyboards, despite being expensive because of Apple, can probably survive your backpack since they are usually higher quality construction.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
RAMChYLD Wrote:I wouldn't recommend using a bluetooth keyboard as the only keyboard on a PC. Besides, why get an official Apple keyboard? Lots of cheapo knockoffs (which would probably work just as well if not for the cheapo feel) can be found on eBay for a fraction of the price.

Anyways, woke up with a nasty hangover today and apparently I'll be going to sleep with the same hangover.

Exactly what I was thinking. CD-R King once sold an Apple keyboard knockoff once, albeit with the Mac-specific modifiers replaced with PC equivalents. Dunno if they still carry that one, but I might get that one some time for the lulz.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
huckleberrypie Wrote:
RAMChYLD Wrote:I wouldn't recommend using a bluetooth keyboard as the only keyboard on a PC. Besides, why get an official Apple keyboard? Lots of cheapo knockoffs (which would probably work just as well if not for the cheapo feel) can be found on eBay for a fraction of the price.

Anyways, woke up with a nasty hangover today and apparently I'll be going to sleep with the same hangover.

Exactly what I was thinking. CD-R King once sold an Apple keyboard knockoff once, albeit with the Mac-specific modifiers replaced with PC equivalents. Dunno if they still carry that one, but I might get that one some time for the lulz.
If I had an iPad and needed a keyboard, I would just play it safe and go with a real Apple keyboard just for peace of mind, especially if I had to stick it in a backpack. The higher quality construction of the keyboard would be worth it, even though Apple probably charges $30 more than the keyboard should sell for.

I'm actually considering getting a new wired Apple keyboard for Lilly along with a mouse. I lost her original Apple keyboard, and PC mice don't work well with Apple's new "responsive scrolling" in Yosemite that you can't turn off.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Things have been getting a bit political on my FB page lately, mainly because one of my "friends" keeps linking articles painting the anti-Police Brutality movement as inherently violent and "communist" because the media likes focusing on the bad apples in the movement.

I know you all don't mind my posts, but I am awaiting the day when one of my conservative "friends" does unfriend me for simply linking to an article that goes against their opinion.

In the end, I won't care, but knowing how some FB "friends" have done that to me in the past, I can't completely rule out that it may happen again.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
I know it isn't always the case, but as what I would like to quote from Cole Phelps, political and religious discussions can indeed cause a rift between friendships.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
huckleberrypie Wrote:I know it isn't always the case, but as what I would like to quote from Cole Phelps, political and religious discussions can indeed cause a rift between friendships.
True that. Very true indeed. Perhaps I should just avoid debating the politics he posts altogether since there is very little chance I will ever sway him, but some of the articles he links to are truly repugnant and even racist at times. But my conservative friends don't see it as racist.

I feel bad for them, honestly. I shouldn't be too upset at them, but I feel they are being misled by sketchy "news" sites that love to bring up the bad things in life and scapegoat an entire movement, or a race, or whatever. They truly believe such sources are right, even when other more reputable sources debunk said claims.

And if media like Fox News and their ilk keep misleading people, I do fear for the future of the USA. Sad
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
[Image: 9FTrIIP.jpg]

This is madness! Surely you can't have three devices connected to the same bluetooth adapter at the same time!

Madness? THIS! IS! CHUCK! TESTA! Sparta
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I played far too many games this weekend. Far far too many games.

Is everyone else still alive? Am I really alive? Angel is confused.

It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Angel Wrote:I played far too many games this weekend. Far far too many games.

Is everyone else still alive? Am I really alive? Angel is confused.

I'm still here. And alive too! Smile

Busy setting up a recently acquired laptop. I wanted a laptop solely for music playback, and I finally found a good used laptop that will fit the bill. Said laptop will also be a backup just in case Greta ever has to go out of service one day.

Not sure what to name it yet. The brand is Acer.

I need to restore to factory defaults however and install the loads of Windows Updates. The laptop is running Vista Basic, and I intend on keeping it that way.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Technically hanging on a thread, but still alive. Trying to get my iPad to cooperate with my Steelseries Stratus. Bad lag in Sonic 2.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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