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The Spam Thread!
Well, things are finally back to normal. We got power back yesterday, but the furnace (which was already on the fritz) wasn't fixed until today, and the internet/cable/phone wasn't up until a couple of hours ago. It's amazing the things you take for granted until you don't have them for a few days.
Still, that was the longest power outage I've ever encountered in my 24 years of living here. Then again, I can't remember too many nor'easters happening before January, either.
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
All you have to do is take a can of tuna,
And a pack of cheese;
Now just add a little bit of salt and butter,
Throw in some elbow grease,
Now spread them onto some bread,
And put two slice together,
Put them into a pressing toaster,
And prepare for sunny weather,
Sandvich, some yummy yummy sandvich!
So not that crummy sandvich!
Sandvich, sandvich! sandvich!

(Apologies to Pinkie Pie, and I will not be held responsible if this method of making sandviches results in a mess. It is an approximation, not a recipe.)
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Dear Jackfruit, Mango, Persimmons, and Pomegranate,

I see you have figured out how to harmoniously shriek in surround-sound four speaker stereo. Please don't do that. And please don't teach Mocha and Luna how to make the stereo have six speakers.

Do you want to be a vocal orchestra? Is that it? Can I be the orchestra conductor and direct you to the tune of Blue Danube?

With Love,
Your Mother & Aunt

Evalana Wrote:Well, things are finally back to normal. We got power back yesterday, but the furnace (which was already on the fritz) wasn't fixed until today, and the internet/cable/phone wasn't up until a couple of hours ago. It's amazing the things you take for granted until you don't have them for a few days.
Still, that was the longest power outage I've ever encountered in my 24 years of living here. Then again, I can't remember too many nor'easters happening before January, either.

Welcome back.

I survived a longer power outage coinciding with much more in early 2009. This lasted for over a month, and I never want to repeat what happened during that time. There is nothing in the world comparable.
Tomorrow (November 6) is national holiday, but it is Sunday. In Indonesia that means tough luck.

Next Friday (November 11) will be Veterans Day, but the holiday will be moved to Monday for two reasons: To compensate with the tough luck, and to prevent slacking work mentality on Saturday because of the day being sandwiched between two holidays.

Indonesia doesn't have such thing as Veterans Day, but have I told you that my construction project is located in US Embasssy? In any case I'm glad to have a long weekend this week.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
pony study day day 2 . hope something new pops up.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Welcome back Forums!! Tongue

Anyway, finally got my hands on some MLP:FIM merchandise. I found sticker sheets, and bought two packages of 22 stickers, 44 in all, and an MLP:FIM Jumbo Coloring Book. Pictures coming soon as I can muster up the motivation to post them. Tongue
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
I am on a mission to find descendants of my childhood pet!

This would be an impossible mission, except that her parents were purebred show dogs and there are pedigree websites dating as far back as the 1800s and early 1900s! I have already found her first ancestors in the United States. What I need are the full names of her parents, not their nicknames, because I'm just guessing based on chronology and locations otherwise. Since my dog was a "defective", she does not show up in pedigree charts, making this all the more difficult. I remember the name or nickname of one of her siblings, but I have no idea if he grew up to be a show dog.

I will solve this mystery, though! Somehow or another, I will figure this out. Of course, the most nerve-wracking part will be conversing with dog breeders who will probably think I am a crazy woman.

Yes, this is somewhat the equivalent of if I had died without leaving direct descendants and a species above humans was on a quest to find Cleopatra's great-great-et cetera-niblings.

You see, I have never been able to have another dog. I can live with other people's dogs, but not have another dog myself. No other dog could be as special to me. If any other dogs could come close, I think they would have to be from Rose's family.

Blackberry Bun Wrote:Indonesia doesn't have such thing as Veterans Day, but have I told you that my construction project is located in US Embasssy? In any case I'm glad to have a long weekend this week.

I'm glad for you, too. You need a rest.
Update on the Fluttershy tablet....

I think I may go for a slightly cheaper option if this year's Black Friday can bring me a tablet that is miles ahead of Lexi's capability.

Case in point....the Coby Kyros. Already being sold at Pamida and RadioShack, it has a Cortex A8 1ghz processor capable of running Angry Birds. It also has the "AppsLib" app store, but from what I can see, it may be somewhat better than SlideME app store.

I'm hoping Menards has the Coby Kyros for their Black Friday special, but if they do sell a tablet, it may be a no-name cheap tablet, as no-name or off-brand electronics are usually the norm for a Menards BF sale. I won't know until the BF ad is leaked and when it is, I may get little knowledge of what brand or type it actually is since they don't list off-brand names on the ad for obvious reasons. Tongue
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Speaking of embassies, James and I have gotten a mission together at last! We didn't think we actually ever would. We hoped we would!

It is ...


... helping a Peruvian orphanage next summer. Our children will be joining us. We are being provided two adjacent hotel suites.

Everybody: ""OH!!! Why are they sending YOU TWO???????? You'll come back with the whole orphanage!"

I don't blame them for saying that at all. Going strictly by experiences, I can see why this was assigned to us. Going by emotions, it will be torture for us to not come back with the whole orphanage. You know how we are.

We haven't decided on taking the mission yet. We most likely will. Again, you know how we are. The two people most likely to prevent us from going are not yet born, for newborns require a lot of attention.

On the other hand, neglected newborns in orphanages also need attention and love. Surely we could love them along with ours. Socializing the orphans with our kids of all ages would probably be very good.
No new ponies this week Sad
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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