So I somehow ended up spending 5 hours on DCUO last night. In the 5 hours, in sequence:
- I defeated Bane in the Cape Carmine lighthouse, SOLO.
- I explored the JLA Watchtower
- I defeated Queen Bee, SOLO
- I subdued Trigon, SOLO, TWICE (second time just because I missed the one last holonote in Raven's mind)
Started playing at 12:30 AM, finally went to bed at 5:30 AM.
Feeling grumpy from lack of sleep now.
In case you're wondering, my character is a large gun-wielding techno-brute who idolizes Batman, has a RAM (the mountain goat) for his insignia, is colored garishly (pink, cyan and lime) and goes by my usual nickname. Currently at level 13.
"There's cake in Oregon"
"That's a lie"
Wait, why's there Portal jokes in Oregon Trail?
