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The Spam Thread!
I usually say Hello, but sometimes (usually when interrupted from a nap or during an intense gaming session) I make a grunting noise instead. Uncivilized, but it lets the other party know I'm not happy with the interruption.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Blackberry Bun Wrote:One week has passed and my cough still show no sign of stopping.

Anyway, when you pick up a call on your cellphone, do you say "Hello," or "<Your name> here,"?

Oh, I know how you feel. I've been sneezing and coughing nonstop this week, and I still am.

I always say "Hello," myself.

"<Name> residence," is more reserved for home phones.
I usually just say Hi or Hello, though if I know the caller, I might say "Hi, <name>"
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
So I somehow ended up spending 5 hours on DCUO last night. In the 5 hours, in sequence:
- I defeated Bane in the Cape Carmine lighthouse, SOLO.
- I explored the JLA Watchtower
- I defeated Queen Bee, SOLO
- I subdued Trigon, SOLO, TWICE (second time just because I missed the one last holonote in Raven's mind)

Started playing at 12:30 AM, finally went to bed at 5:30 AM.

Feeling grumpy from lack of sleep now.

In case you're wondering, my character is a large gun-wielding techno-brute who idolizes Batman, has a RAM (the mountain goat) for his insignia, is colored garishly (pink, cyan and lime) and goes by my usual nickname. Currently at level 13.


"There's cake in Oregon"
"That's a lie"

Wait, why's there Portal jokes in Oregon Trail? Confusedhock:
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Marie Antoinette never probably said "Let them eat cake", so the cake is a lie.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
The Ages of My Youngest 5 Children on 11/11/11

2 years (+ 2 x 2 months + 5 x 2 days + 1 day)
2 years (+ 2 x 2 months + 2 days)
2 years (+ 2 x 2 months + 2 days)
22 weeks in the womb (+ 2 x 2 days)
22 weeks in the womb (+ 2 x 2 days)

Wow. The number 2 likes us on 1 + 1 Day/Month/Year.
Good news:
I just discovered that Nvidia has enabled "poor man's 3D" (i.e. instant 3D through normal screens via anaglyph glasses) through their video cards.

Bad news:
my eyes are now soda (blurry and seeing double) from a one-hour DCUO run in 3D. Also, 3D mode using these glasses are in greyscale Sad
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Good news:
I just discovered that Nvidia has enabled "poor man's 3D" (i.e. instant 3D through normal screens via anaglyph glasses) through their video cards.

Bad news:
my eyes are now soda (blurry and seeing double) from a one-hour DCUO run in 3D. Also, 3D mode using these glasses are in greyscale Sad

Im afraid as to what 3D will do to my own eyes once I get my hands on a Nintendo 3DS. I will test it, but if I get the slightest bit sick in any way, 3D is out.

I only seen 3D through the anaglyph glasses a few times in my life, and most under 30 seconds. Modern 3D? I never seen it at all.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Just finished The Ballad of Gay Tony's storyline - no cheats, no nonsense. Took me a dozen or so failed attempts, but it was fun. Only problem is that the game runs a tad choppier than the older GTA IV builds, mostly due to how R* Toronto added an inefficient shadow mapping algorithm and changed the shader code.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
[Image: 39bKml.jpg]
[Image: UplU6l.jpg]

Why can't they just release Volume 13 already?!?
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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