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The Spam Thread!
Stella Grapes Wrote:We're probably going camping next week, as in seven or eight days from now! Next week is a holiday for the kids, no school.

Would that holiday be Columbus Day? Here in SD, it's known as Native American Day.

As for camping, it's been nine years since I went camping with my parents. We camped out in a tent at a friends house during our trip to the Rosebud Fair and PowWow in 2002.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Someone on TVTropes just called me a Single Wonk Issue and Fandumb for pointing out that there's a broken base for MLP G4 because of recurring villains. If there is no broken base, what am I?

Why do I keep going back even though I know they're out to hurt me?
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Thoughts addenum J.

You know what?

Screw be MLPFIM. I want Bear In The Big Blue House back!

Edit: Thoughts addenum K.

And then... cold turkeys.

Luna/Luna/Luna/Luna/Luna/Luna/Luna/Luna/Luna (ad infinitum)

BLAH! fraewljfacbsndgfzsjDIPOgfbutdmnl.dfgdxmcxzv,`lcvesndfmlvxinhfsznl

Tomorrow just died today. Today died yesterday, when my attempt to transfer BingoBeaver's innards over to a new case failed and Bingo is now a vegetable.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Look, David! We can be disappointed ponies together! My disappointment is over all kinds of insanity. I don't know if we'll go camping, which could be the least of our concerns. To put it nicely, people are annoying, problems plop on us, and I have worries...

cpd2009 Wrote:Would that holiday be Columbus Day? Here in SD, it's known as Native American Day.

As for camping, it's been nine years since I went camping with my parents. We camped out in a tent at a friends house during our trip to the Rosebud Fair and PowWow in 2002.
Sounds like fun. This holiday is just called Fall Break, though it does coincide with Columbus Day.

Stella Grapes Wrote:We'll "rough it in the middle of nowhere with tents" as a group, some day, though not for a long time. I don't know why James thought I would want to do that of all ways to camp next week.
Because that's the default definition of "camping"? Went you said you're going camping, that was the first thing that popped into my mind too. Renting a cabin doesn't really constitute as camping in my mind- that's more towards "vacationing in a motel".
We have been camping that way ever since we married, so I figured his default definition had changed.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Someone on TVTropes just called me a Single Issue Wonk and Fandumb for pointing out that there's a broken base for MLP G4 because of recurring villains. If there is no broken base, what am I?

Why do I keep going back even though I know they're out to hurt me?
I can see where whoever that was is coming from, though. A Broken Base only works if there's a good chunk of fans who feel that way. As far as I can tell, Ramchyld, you are the only person who wasn't chomping at the bit for there to be more villains in MLPFiM. One person not liking something just isn't a Broken Base. I don't know how adamant you've been about posting that over there, but I do know that there are quite a few people over there who treat the tropes and pages very seriously. So I don't think it's anything against you in particular, just people who love the site a little bit too much.
Gotta run, though. I'm working 'til midnight again.
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
Stella Grapes Wrote:Look, David! We can be disappointed ponies together! My disappointment is over all kinds of insanity. I don't know if we'll go camping, which could be the least of our concerns. To put it nicely, people are annoying, problems plop on us, and I have worries...
You're not the only one with worries. See my last post- I was actually negligent to mention that I broke another one of my computers. Thankfully, it's not the new Mac Mini, but it was something that served me well over the last year.

Evalana Wrote:I can see where whoever that was is coming from, though. A Broken Base only works if there's a good chunk of fans who feel that way. As far as I can tell, Ramchyld, you are the only person who wasn't chomping at the bit for there to be more villains in MLPFiM. One person not liking something just isn't a Broken Base. I don't know how adamant you've been about posting that over there, but I do know that there are quite a few people over there who treat the tropes and pages very seriously. So I don't think it's anything against you in particular, just people who love the site a little bit too much.
In any case, the show has been ruined for me. I know it's not the end of the world, that there's tons of other slice of life cartoons out there that I have yet to tread on, but accessibility is the issue. That, and getting the merchandise of the series would mean paying an arm and a leg compared to MLP:FIM, where surprisingly, half of the toys are actually available locally despite the show not airing here.

Tolerate the /horse apples/ out of you? Not like Wikipedia? All lies!
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:You're not the only one with worries.
You always say that. I always know that. We'll be fine.

[Image: 6qur7r.jpg]

This definitely has always been a frequent expression of mine.
Testing out direct chat connection. Will look into a good chat frontend once we get these issues sorted out.

Thankfully, in Bingo's case, I have a spare board available, but I'm not confident on swapping the chip myself, since the last time I installed the chip, I blew up that board (the spare board is in actual fact the real board I wanted to install into Bingo. When it blew up, I bought another motherboard and had that one RMAed because I didn't want to wait for the replacement to arrive. Sure enough, the replacement came in only after a good month of waiting).
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I finally saw those pony episodes in question myself. My sister thinks Discord is cute.

Just thought I would mention that, I'll keep my opinions about it and just general talking about it to a minimum, seems like it wouldn't do much good right now to bring up a conversation best left behind.

I'm surprised how quickly a few pages flew since last I post, I hope people didn't suddenly think Angel would stop posting here. Just was gone for a few days, surprised at how much I missed in that time though.

I've been rather largely getting into roleplaying again these days, I've never really outgrown the love and need to just play pretend. My focus in that sort of thing though has caused certain people to be a bit cautious about the way I roleplay, because other people generally do it as a way to try to make a more coherent story situation or practice hardcore writing skills. With me, a casual thread involving some silly misadventures is good enough.

On another forum I am on, for Halloween I decided to play a costume by changing my name to Susan Watkins, a name chosen purely at random. I also am changing the way I type out sentences and form my thoughts, however the thoughts are staying the same. I feel like I might have done this post so far with my Susan Watkins costume on, so I apologize if I sound rather formal.

* * * *

Going back to just Angel, I'm really craving some soft things all around me right now. We really need some more smiles around, especially here, especially there. Angel really wants to spread them, though I'm a bit confused at how I'm going to go about this.


I think that's nice, berry nice. You should start by listening to that, even if game music or Sonic the Hedgehog isn't normally your thing. I have a berry special place in my snuggly heart for Sonic, my very first memories tend to have him around, he's been a constant character in my life. It always makes me smile to see him. The music from Sonic Colours however seem to take nods from what made the new Mario soundtracks so nice, and it's great to see these old platformers evolving.


Sonic has been making me notice how much time has changed. I'm so excited for the newest game, which this video has, Sonic Generations. It really makes my eyes light up to see the old stage that I was playing when I was 3 years old recreated in such a beautiful way, the original gameplay kept exactly intact for the first part of the video, then the video changes, it's suddenly the modern Sonic gameplay, but the stage is still a huge throwback to that old stage.. and we see how far things have come. How things change but still stay the same. I think people and all things are like that. We all change but we are all at the core, the same and nothing will ever truly separate us from who we were before.

I'm also starting to think that I get all my adrenaline that stores slowly in my squishy body out by playing and watching Sonic in action. The way he moves is just so fun. Zooming and speeding and it just makes me wanna move by watching him. *giggles*
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Quote:Professor Pyg's voice actor better sound like Rex Harrison.

FiM/Lauren Faust fans, good news for you! Really looking forward to all of this, especially the claymation stuff.
That was posted to my Facebook page by someone from another forum I'm in a while ago.

Turns out that it was actually because Faust is currently working on a DCU project featuring Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Batgirl, but damn did that post give me a haert attack. I thought they announced the recurring villain for MLP:FIM to be a psychotic mad scientist shapeshifting pig and that they're going to try out mixed media animation for this season!
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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