09-06-2011, 05:09 AM
One of the most touching moments of my life happened yesterday.
Some type of attack seemed to be coming on. I gaped for air just in case. The moment passed, and nothing had happened. My children were all in the room with me. Twelve legs backed away in concern.
"I'm fine."
All together, twelve legs ran toward me and... tripped forwards over themselves in the same way that I trip. They then continued running, into my open arms. I am so very loved and they are so very mine! ♡
I have been crying happy tears on and off for almost a full day now.
A few hours after this passed, I thought to myself, "I think I have a loyal army! A clumsy army!"
It overwhelms me with surprise to know people love me so much. I think it will always surprise me into tears. Why me? Why love me? While I don't want to be hated, I don't expect to be loved!
Some type of attack seemed to be coming on. I gaped for air just in case. The moment passed, and nothing had happened. My children were all in the room with me. Twelve legs backed away in concern.
"I'm fine."
All together, twelve legs ran toward me and... tripped forwards over themselves in the same way that I trip. They then continued running, into my open arms. I am so very loved and they are so very mine! ♡
I have been crying happy tears on and off for almost a full day now.
A few hours after this passed, I thought to myself, "I think I have a loyal army! A clumsy army!"

It overwhelms me with surprise to know people love me so much. I think it will always surprise me into tears. Why me? Why love me? While I don't want to be hated, I don't expect to be loved!