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The Spam Thread!
Stella Grapes Wrote:With the exception of my half-sister, my siblings and I have had to pay for college ourselves. This was impossible and threw us into decades of debt that would have probably lasted a lifetime had luck not changed. Despite this, I took more college courses because I figured that if I was going to spend my life in debt, I might as well get the tools to spend my life doing something I actually enjoyed. It is very rare that one can make a whole career out of performing.

I'm probably going to spend 10 years or more in college debt myself since most of my tuition payments have consisted of student loans. This year, I was lucky enough to get federal financial aid, but it won't cover the entire cost of this years' tuition, so I have to take out another loan. Sad

This past summer, I had to deal with bill collectors from the companies that gave me the student loans because when I took a year off from DSU, they thought I ended college for good, and after the six month grace period, they began calling up asking for payment. I had to fill out 10 or more forbearance forms, and also had to notify the nearby community college when I went there last fall so they could tell these companies I was still in school, but at a different one.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Blackberry Bun Wrote:David and Blake, if I may ask, what was your major in college?
Computer and Information Sciences. I'm a computer kind of guy Tongue

Thankfully, tho, my mom paid for my college courses for me.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Oh major.

I was going to go into Computer Graphic Design, but decided to change it to Digital Storytelling. Digital Storytelling is essentially what it says, telling stories with digital mediums like Photoshop and non-linear video editing software.

While at the community college last year, I went ahead and got a one year Computer Maintenance certificate. Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Blah, money. I know of mayors who have just recently paid off their old student loans. I also know of people who never could pay them off. College education should be free, because it has become a necessity. In some countries, it is free up to certain ages. There is no reason other than governmental greed for it not to be the same world-over, and I also don't think there should be an age limit on said freedom. People can be too busy working to go to college until later in life, or they could change their minds about what they want to do, or any number of other situations could happen. It would certainly help out a lot of people and encourage more pursuits of education, to let all education be free. I view learning and access to good jobs as basic human rights, to be ideally earned through effort itself instead of only available to those who have enough money.

In other news, we have changed our minds about the name of our youngest. Instead of Millicent, the first name is to be Octavia. It means "the eighth born (sibling)", and while Maddie and Millie sound cute together, there are not many who get to use the name Octavia in a literal way - and far less who come across being the eighth sibling in such an especially unique way!

There is also an almost "full circle" element to it. Novie Nell goes by her middle name. Her first name is November. Nov to Oct is an amazing fit, like bookends, even though Ms. Oct won't be born near October.
Stella Grapes Wrote:In other news, we have changed our minds about the name of our youngest. Instead of Millicent, the first name is to be Octavia. It means "the eighth born (sibling)", and while Maddie and Millie sound cute together, there are not many who get to use the name Octavia in a literal way - and far less who come across being the eighth sibling in such an especially unique way!
Works for me, although Pinkamena would probably work better Tongue
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Stella Grapes Wrote:Blah, money. I know of mayors who have just recently paid off their old student loans. I also know of people who never could pay them off. College education should be free, because it has become a necessity. In some countries, it is free up to certain ages. There is no reason other than governmental greed for it not to be the same world-over, and I also don't think there should be an age limit on said freedom. People can be too busy working to go to college until later in life, or they could change their minds about what they want to do, or any number of other situations could happen. It would certainly help out a lot of people and encourage more pursuits of education, to let all education be free. I view learning and access to good jobs as basic human rights, to be ideally earned through effort itself instead of only available to those who have enough money.

Well, I don't think we pay dearly for college just because of governmental greed alone. Recently, the DSU campus has been extensively remodeling the classroom buildings, and they sorely needed it. The old Science Center had the original architecture from the early 1970s, and going inside was like walking into a time warp. Now, with the remodeling done, it looks much more modern and capable of educating students with up to date equipment. The campus library also got the same treatment. Paying for college can be dreadful, but at least in South Dakota, I hope some of that tuition helps fund these remodeling projects among other things.

To be honest, Im not entirely sure that the college tuition that students pay helped fund these remodeling projects. They probably did in a way seeing how the South Dakota government imposed budget cuts on all the state schools.

In fact, Im going to go ahead and ask my counselor about it. Some of the students payment probably does satisfy some government greed in a way, but all of it can't.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
I actually wanted to ask this through pm, but since most of you are on kinda similar path I'll publicly ask here.

I'm thinking of going to college again and take a new course. This time, I want to take a course about computer because I like computers. But first I want to gather some information before making the decision because this is all about my future. I'm searching at other places too, but it's probably even better to ask someone here already experienced on the subject.
  • What do you learn at the course?
  • What kind of assignments are usually given?
  • What kind of assignment is the final assignment?
  • Were the college period stressful or enjoyable overall?
  • Any recommendations/advice?

I might ask more later, so please bear with me. Thanks.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:What do you learn at the course?
Well, in the course I took, students start of with basics of computing, computer mathematics (which is much more complicated than regular maths) and of course programming. The programming part lasts two years.

In the third year, the course gets less practical and much more into theories. For example, e-commerce which deals with theories of online stores, and group management.

Blackberry Bun Wrote:What kind of assignments are usually given?
Aside from the few that requires essays, mostly programming.

Blackberry Bun Wrote:What kind of assignment is the final assignment?
My final assignment was for e-commerce, and it was a powerpoint presentation.

Blackberry Bun Wrote:Were the college period stressful or enjoyable overall?
Started out enjoyable, then went downhill as pressure mounted with the e-commerce and group management courses, since I'm not very social and do not agree to the ideas of the other group members. I mean, come on! IF your idea of passing is to copy the previous students' or other group's outputs, then you might as well not take the course at all!

Blackberry Bun Wrote:Any recommendations/advice?
Make sure you don't get lazy/stupid classmates.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I definitely recommend taking opportunity to go back for something that makes you happier.

RAMChYLD Wrote:Works for me, although Pinkamena would probably work better Tongue
No, you silly person, it absolutely would not!

RAMChYLD Wrote:Make sure you don't get lazy/stupid classmates.
I didn't know he could magically control that.
Still considering and gathering more information. It's very likely, though.

In other news, I've just spent a quarter of my monthly salary just to order three volumes of Yotsuba&! from the other side of the globe because I couldn't find them anywhere here. Heh, things I do just for collection...
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
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