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The Spam Thread!
Eh, it seems something awful happened while I was away.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Alright guys, sorry for sounding ignorant back then. I just had no idea what to say in this matter, and I still do. Do you both need some time to chill or something? I really hope things will work out between you two.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Alright guys, sorry for sounding ignorant back then. I just had no idea what to say in this matter, and I still do. Do you both need some time to chill or something? I really hope things will work out between you two.
Apologies from me. I was going to post after your first message back, but I ended up forgetting. Sad

Well, in short, I posted a video about Nintendo, David made a post about it that I didn't agree with, and I ended up going off on a rant about it. Turns out, I shouldn't have even though I wasn't angry to begin with... just irritated.

As seen in the front door thread, David decided to take some time off from the forum because of that. It's been nearly a week already, and I still feel a bit awful about it. If I never ranted, perhaps he would still be here.

I'll admit, I got a bit burnt out after this as well, and haven't posted in the Spam Thread until tonight. I did make one in Davids front door thread though not long after I learned he took his leave. He will be back eventually, but we just don't know when.

And yes, we have our disagreements over MLP G4 mainly because he had a bad experience with some of it's more hardcore fans IIRC, but I told him I want to resolve that when he returns. Hopefully we can work something out.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Oh please don't tell me that my favorite character is part of what you're arguing about. I haven't seen the preview.

I am still a little sick. I missed my kids' 6th birthdays in my sickness. I'd never missed any of my kids' birthdays for sickness before.
Stella Grapes Wrote:Oh please don't tell me that my favorite character is part of what you're arguing about. I haven't seen the preview.

I am still a little sick. I missed my kids' 6th birthdays in my sickness. I'd never missed any of my kids' birthdays for sickness before.
Well, Sour Grapes isn't part of the latest dispute, but David brought it up for some reason, probably just to vent. It stems from an earlier complaint from David that stated he can no longer watch the 2009 SSC Berry Bitty Adventures. Sad Apparently David read somewhere that Sour Grapes got upgraded to being an outright villain in the newest season, and he has this policy of avoiding shows with villians and sticks with only the Slice-of-Life style. And if a show he considers Slice-of-Life actually adds a villain character or if he finds information that the show will add such a character, true or not, he will stop watching that show.

I looked on Discovery Family's FB page as well as checking out trailers for the new episodes, but I don't see any evidence of Sour Grapes becoming a villain like David claims. And he thinks the brony fandom brought this on, even though most bronies don't care for Berry Bitty Adventures and the comments under the trailers beg for more Pony episodes. There are some who do watch BBA, but it's few, at least to my knowledge. I admit, MLP G4 and Littlest Pet Shop are waaaay overplayed on DFC, but I digress...

I offered David to bring up evidence about Sour Grapes becoming a villain since I haven't found anything in press releases or trailers suggesting that. But, by the time I asked, David decided to take a leave from the forums for some unknown amount of time. :/
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Written before post above. As an edit, I have long noticed said pattern.

I'm on my phone, since my Surface is broken. Well, I couldn't find the preview or episode. I saw what Sour Grapes looks like in this incarnation, though. She's a scene kid with a twin sister named Sweet Grapes who reminds me of the previous Plum Puddin'.

Ha ha?

Whatever. I remember I almost had Stella Grapes' name be Sweet Grapes, and instead made it more epic.

"My" Grapes is a dorky middle-aged woman with a dorkier brother, not a scene kid with a sweet as pie sister. I'll eventually see this kid, since my kids follow the show. But I doubt she's "me". I'm the woman of the 1980s and 2000s. I know I said I wouldn't mind her redesigned as a kid, but I wasn't thinking of cliches. This version reminds me of the evil Smurf girl in the live-action Smurf sequel. Not particularly interesting and certainly not as unique as her predecessors.

I want to be wrong, of course.
Stella Grapes Wrote:Written before post above. As an edit, I have long noticed said pattern.

I'm on my phone, since my Surface is broken. Well, I couldn't find the preview or episode. I saw what Sour Grapes looks like in this incarnation, though. She's a scene kid with a twin sister named Sweet Grapes who reminds me of the previous Plum Puddin'.

Ha ha?

Whatever. I remember I almost had Stella Grapes' name be Sweet Grapes, and instead made it more epic.

"My" Grapes is a dorky middle-aged woman with a dorkier brother, not a scene kid with a sweet as pie sister. I'll eventually see this kid, since my kids follow the show. But I doubt she's "me". I'm the woman of the 1980s and 2000s. I know I said I wouldn't mind her redesigned as a kid, but I wasn't thinking of cliches. This version reminds me of the evil Smurf girl in the live-action Smurf sequel. Not particularly interesting and certainly not as unique as her predecessors.

I want to be wrong, of course.
I guess the only way I can see if David's claim is correct is to watch BBA this coming weekend. It only airs on the weekends, and the newest season isn't on Netflix yet. Blame DFC for showing mostly MLP and Littlest Pet Shop most of the weekdays. They are good shows, but do they need to be played in blocks of three episodes?

Changing topic now... what happened to your Surface? Is it physically broken, or did something happen to the software or internal hardware?
Maybe it's a sign that your next laptop should be a MacBook Air!
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
I don't know what's wrong. It's not outwardly broken. I'm hopeful it's just the battery.
Stella Grapes Wrote:I don't know what's wrong. It's not outwardly broken. I'm hopeful it's just the battery.
Hmm... try running the tablet with the power brick/charger plugged in. If that doesn't work, try holding the power button for 10 full seconds. Then try turning on the tablet as you normally would.

Even though I don't have a Surface, a quick Google search brought up the above solution. It's basic, but it's worth trying out.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Nah, I've been doing that several times for months. It's dead.
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