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The Spam Thread!
-.- I wasn't talking to you, I was being apathetic.

In any case, I still don't care. Nintendo's refusal to launch a working e-Shop outside Japan and Korea in Asia and blocking Nintendo Video from being accessible in Asia outside of Japan and Korea... Furthermore, they gave me the runaround and refused me warranty over the illogical excuse that my unit wasn't "official" when my 3DS XL's hinge broke... I still don't see why I should care. Especially after all the $#!* that I've went through over the past few days...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I'll say this now: please don't let this degenerate into yet another dispute or rift between you two lads. I may have some beef with Nintendo right now for their business practices (yes, this has something to do with region-locking, DRM and their stick-in-the-mud attitude that has cost them a lot lately), but a person just died so it would be insensitive for any one of us to be so smug about Mr. Iwata. Or anyone else for that matter.

And I view you two guys as brothers as well. It just irks me that either one of you would show ill at each other just because of your feelings. We all know what you two have been through right now, but it would sadden me if you go on with another round of animosity.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Ok, apologize. Will shut up from now on until I feel better. Which will probably be not for a while.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Hmm... not sure how to say this, but I feel this needs to be said. I'm not trying to start drama, but rather, I want to avoid it. Hear me out...

Blake, I do appreciate you trying to prevent conflict between me and David. I don't like conflict and drama, but I just feel that the relationship between me and David has been broken for over a year now. We may acknowledge each other on the forum and get into a computer-related discussion every now and then, but we haven't re-friended each other on Facebook, nor have we talked in a chat room for a long while as well.

The primary reason why I joined this forum is to talk with David more, when we were still getting along. We had our disagreements, but we managed to look past them. Then we had that disagreement we couldn't get over. Well, we sort of got over it, but we still don't talk much. We all know what the disagreement was, but I can't say the name out of fear I will offend David. Which brings me to my first point...

I have to self-censor myself. I'm afraid of talking about a certain show because I fear I will depress him. Same goes for talking about other pre-school shows or cartoons. I might like one show, but what if David also likes it? Would I end up offending him by liking that show too? I have to constantly think about these things and watch what I say or not say anything at all. David might say he doesn't care, but what is he really thinking behind the monitor? I have that fear at times.

I also can't get into SSC, no matter how many times I try. I have seen perhaps one or two full episodes. I did like what I saw, but I haven't had the motivation to watch more episodes. I hardly talk about SSC because of this. With Netflix, I can see 2004 SSC along with the 2009 reboot, but I suck at time management and haven't found time to watch the show. Without me talking about SSC and just talking about things happening in my personal life, I get the feeling that I don't belong here, even though I'm a pretty good member overall.

With David and me not talking much, if at all, along with lack of SSC material, I'm thinking of leaving the forum. I know David's opinions on things will never change and if they don't change, I will have to continue with my self-censorship policies. I don't know if I can stand that for years on end. There are a lot of shows and things I want to talk about, but with David here, I can't out of fear that I will offend him in one way or another.

I will end this by being a bit honest... I actually wanted to respond rather harshly to David at first. I realized that I shouldn't, and responded in a rather friendly way. I really do hate it when people are apathetic towards the death of others. Remember that my father died in April. Ever since then, I have been rethinking my life online, and I have decided to scale back on the social media front. Death, as of current, is a touchy subject for me. And with us nearly getting into another argument (though I kept my cool this time), it got me thinking about all the above once again. It could be just emotions coming out, but I'll sleep on it and see what I think in the morning.

If there are any reasons you can convince me to remain here, please let me know. I don't want to leave, but at times I feel like I should just to ensure me and David never get into an argument again.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
That post I made? It wasn't really dissing you at all. I was referencing that song I posted earlier. As I mentioned before, I've had hell since last week. This song was the only thing lifting my spirit (if you were with me in person you would have noted that I was listening to it in repeat non-stop, every waking hour, since last week). I did not ask to be born in this country. If they have any mercy on me at all they should've just killed me or deported me.

Anyways I apologize on my harsh words on Iwata. I'm just angry that I'm being treated the way I am.

You need not leave. If you want me to leave instead, say the word. After all, I've given up on Strawberry. Moonscoop has decided to suck up to the bronies anyway and introduced a villain to the show. The show has become something I no longer want to watch.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:That post I made? It wasn't really dissing you at all. I was referencing that song I posted earlier. As I mentioned before, I've had hell since last week. This song was the only thing lifting my spirit (if you were with me in person you would have noted that I was listening to it in repeat non-stop, every waking hour, since last week). I did not ask to be born in this country. If they have any mercy on me at all they should've just killed me or deported me.

Anyways I apologize on my harsh words on Iwata. I'm just angry that I'm being treated the way I am.

You need not leave. If you want me to leave instead, say the word. After all, I've given up on Strawberry. Moonscoop has decided to suck up to the bronies anyway and introduced a villain to the show. The show has become something I no longer want to watch.
Well, I don't want you to leave. I don't want anyone here to leave. Rather, I would choose to leave myself since it's apparent we will never get along again, along with those other reasons. It's sad, yes, but I have to accept that you won't change your views and opinions. I don't agree with them, and if I stay, I have to continue with my self-censorship.

I have to sleep now. Perhaps I'll feel better in the morning.

I wish George was still around...
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Honestly, I can point you in the direction where you can talk all you want about that show: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> . You can talk about that show all you want there, and talk about everything else here just like before. And since I'm no longer in that forum (I left a long time ago), there is no chance of offending me there.

TBH I too am a little upset over Iwata's death- I'm just trying to use mechanisms (that is justifying why I shouldn't feel sad for Nintendo has wronged me) to prevent me from going off the deep end of depression.

And TBH after you made the post, I honestly really feel awful now. I didn't meant to anger you like that. I'm very sorry. Nobody should leave the forum, you're the one keeping the forum alive this time around. So don't leave.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Honestly, I can point you in the direction where you can talk all you want about that show: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> . You can talk about that show all you want there, and talk about everything else here just like before. And since I'm no longer in that forum (I left a long time ago), there is no chance of offending me there.

TBH I too am a little upset over Iwata's death- I'm just trying to use mechanisms (that is justifying why I shouldn't feel sad for Nintendo has wronged me) to prevent me from going off the deep end of depression.

And TBH after you made the post, I honestly really feel awful now. I didn't meant to anger you like that. I'm very sorry. Nobody should leave the forum, you're the one keeping the forum alive this time around. So don't leave.
Well, you didn't really anger me. I just got irked by the apathetic response to Iwata's death. You did explain why you felt that way, which I appreciate. What did happen though was a flood of emotions and frustrations, which I outlined last night.

I don't want to leave the forums, but if I go, perhaps you will be able to talk about things more and keep the forum alive along with Sandy and Blake. I also don't want to hurt your feelings in any way. I have already done that countless times, and It's likely that it will happen again.

I'll admit, I wanted to just call it quits right then and there last night just to see what kind of response I would get. That is horrible to think about, even though I never followed through with that, knowing intentionally stirring up drama is not good at all. I now fear that my long rant last night may have been just my emotions attempting to get a response. I don't know if that is the case or not. All in all, it did allow me to vent a bit without being too confrontational, but...

It's just that I get very frustrated dealing with you. I'm not saying that out of hate, but out of concern. I want to get along with you despite having opinions I will never agree with, but at times I find it impossible. This is a reason why I trimmed my Facebook friends list last month. A few of my former "friends" there followed right wing politics and some of the worst of conservative propaganda. One of them even posted debunked stories or even satire as fact. I also feared they would take one of my political comments, send it off to some right-wing website and I would get shamed for my opinion. They followed such sites. Thus, I removed myself from those situations. Ever since then, social media has been more enjoyable.

Hence why I'm thinking of leaving. I can't promise that I won't stop talking about ponies every now and then, and I also feel we will get into yet another conflict. Blake says he hates it when we both get into arguments. I don't like to either, but I just don't see a way forward free of conflict. It's best that I remove myself before anything happens, like what I did with Facebook.

I still haven't decided for sure.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:I don't want to leave the forums, but if I go, perhaps you will be able to talk about things more and keep the forum alive along with Sandy and Blake.
Well, no. You're wrong. Things have gotten out of hand (I admit it, I've been fighting very hard to get Strawberry Shortcake back- I've been fighting very hard to get Boomerang. I almost succeeded, my aunt says that Astro now has a channel showing "Boomerang- Coming soon". For me to get to where I am and then find out the other part of what I want has become irreversibly corrupted is very frustrating to me. I accepted it that I was wrong about the 2009 series and her pompousness was due to bad editing of the "interview" clip on ABC's part, only to be one-upped like that. This is not how things should work.

I can never talk about SSC in a positive light ever again.

Since there's no where I can go from here, I decided that I should use Apathy as a front to hide my pain. Obviously it's not working.

Again, I'm very sorry it should end up like this. It's just that this is not what I want. This is not what I want.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I did go to DFC's page again and checked out the videos for the new season of SSC. They are just episode clips and promos and I didn't see anything to indicate Sour Grapes being put in a position as a villain. Was there a press release that I missed? I am willing to give SSC 2009 a watch, but DFC doesn't show it during the week. It only airs on weekends, and the new episodes won't hit Netflix for a while.

I never understood why you don't like shows with villains, even though most follow a formula that results in said villain being defeated and law/order/peace/magic/harmony/whatever being restored. Not every animated show is like that, but most are. I remember you told me the reasons before, but it was so long ago that I forgot. It's hard for you to talk about that stuff, I know, but maybe if I understood where you come from on these issues, maybe we can get along better, and restore our friendship. We obviously won't agree on a lot of things, but we can avoid such topics and only talk about what matters. I couldn't stand my old "friends" on FB, but it was mostly easy to let them go as I hardly knew them anyway. Most were just people from YouTube who sent me friend requests and I blindly accepted them.

The emotions got the best of me last night, and I shouldn't have vented. But since we are at this point, we should try to resolve this in a respectable manner. I'm all for a resolution now. If I leave, then I don't know how the forum will thrive since like you said, I'm largely the only person here who posts anything.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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