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The Spam Thread!
Well, as Blake said, DDR4 is already out. So far however it's mostly used in Servers and high-end boards. But I expect much wider uptake and price drop once the Intel Lake architecture comes out.

Btw, my suggestion is just that - a suggestion. If your brother needs a new PC sooner, just go with Broadwell. You won't be able to replace the parts in the future without buying surplus online via eBay, but with proper planning the machine will last at least another half decade (focus on highest end CPU and motherboard, the two parts that changes most frequently. I expect DDR3 RAM to still be around for another 2-3 years, and video cards to stay to PCIe with no further changes for another few years). I'm still using a 2009 architecture machine with only upgrades to the video card and it works fine. Just that if you're not in a hurry, waiting for the Lake architecture to launch is a better deal.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
My condolences, Wade.

You have feelings. My autism is the opposite of yours, and that doesn't make me a better person. It only makes me a person who is taken less seriously. I express my emotions very intensely. I suspect this has to do with gender, although I know exceptions both ways, one being my own brother. While I would be devastated if he died, however, I really have no idea what my reaction would be.

Human beings are complicated. The fact that you're even asking these questions means you have a good heart.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Well, as Blake said, DDR4 is already out. So far however it's mostly used in Servers and high-end boards. But I expect much wider uptake and price drop once the Intel Lake architecture comes out.

Btw, my suggestion is just that - a suggestion. If your brother needs a new PC sooner, just go with Broadwell. You won't be able to replace the parts in the future without buying surplus online via eBay, but with proper planning the machine will last at least another half decade (focus on highest end CPU and motherboard, the two parts that changes most frequently. I expect DDR3 RAM to still be around for another 2-3 years, and video cards to stay to PCIe with no further changes for another few years). I'm still using a 2009 architecture machine with only upgrades to the video card and it works fine. Just that if you're not in a hurry, waiting for the Lake architecture to launch is a better deal.

Yeah, it should be able to buy your PC a half-decade or so of time for new parts and whatnot. And true on DDR3 and PCIe, too. Haven't heard of any other buses in development yet, and that's despite PCI Express being on the market for over a decade.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
huckleberrypie Wrote:Yeah, it should be able to buy your PC a half-decade or so of time for new parts and whatnot. And true on DDR3 and PCIe, too. Haven't heard of any other buses in development yet, and that's despite PCI Express being on the market for over a decade.
It depends. CPU and motherboard will definitely be a headache because of Intel's insistence of changing the pin-count every two years. It's already difficult to find for Socket 1155 CPUs now, and forget about Socket 1156 CPUs from 5 years ago. You can find older CPUs on eBay, but it's risky since there's apparently a scam going around where you buy a CPU of one kind and they purposely send you a CPU of another kind, usually a less desirable one, and even worse, not compatible with your motherboard (although eBay usually allows you to dispute and get your money back if you've been scammed, and the amount of honest sellers way outnumbers the scammers). RAM changes less often, but I predict that DDR3 will be around for only another 2-3 years before it's completely replaced by DDR4- I can't get DDR2 anymore short of going to a used parts store or turning to eBay. Hard disks, well, I hear rumors of a replacement connector type called NVMe, although it appears that it's a competing standard and will not replace SATA for the near future. Video cards are still safe, PCIe isn't going anywhere for the forseeable future.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
The loss still hurts, but I have come to accept it now. Many thanks for the support from all of you. Smile It means a lot to me.

The funeral is Monday afternoon, and after that it will be time to move on. I'm certain I will be able to as my dad is in a better place now.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Long rant time. As many of you might know, I have a Facebook page. I never link it here, but I have one regardless.

Facebook isn't perfect and it's privacy is a divisive issue, but so far, I find it alright though I have to tolerate posts I don't care for. That all changed today because of one thing...

Facebook is trying to ram the "Share" feature down my throat now.

Here's what happens.. whenever I click any timeline link, the "Share" link automatically opens up. It never used to do this up until a few days ago and I never used the "Share" button that much because I don't share that much directly from the timeline. I just copy and paste URL links and FB formats the rest.

This is probably not even that big of a deal to most people, but to me it sort of is. In a way, I feel FB is now trying to take control away from me by opening the "Share" box after clicking on newsfeed links. If I click on a link, I don't want to share it unless I absolutely want to. And as I stated earlier, it's very rare that I use that "Share" button anyway. The worst part? I can't find a way to turn this thing off. I looked everywhere in the settings.

I might be nitpicking, but I don't like it when any website tries to force things like this on to me. It's taking control away from me, especially if there is no option to turn said feature off. Same goes for pop-up boxes that beg for likes that osbcure page content, or those "recommended article" slide ins. uBlock can take care of some of those, but not all of them and it likely won't work on FB without causing the page to break.

This might be the thing that drives me to close my FB account, but I need to think about it for a while. I have personal friends there and if I do close my FB, I need to find alternate means of talking with them.

Rant over.... and I'm feeling a bit annoyed.

EDIT: Also discovered the "Share" replaces the comments when it opens. >.<
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Did you add some weird application? The changes you mentioned aren't showing for me- still looks the same over here.


It's turning out to be one of those days.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Did you add some weird application? The changes you mentioned aren't showing for me- still looks the same over here.

No, not that I know of. I haven't added any apps in a year, and seeing as how the Share button is the exact same box that would appear if I manually clicked Share, I am certain it's not an app. It looks the same at first... the article appears in the feed with the comment box below it, but click on it (left, right, middle) and the Share link now opens for you and because of this new "feature", I ended up accidentally sharing a link to my own timeline with a comment I meant to leave for someone else. It also removes comments from view until you manually close the Share box.

Later testing seems to limit this unwanted feature (for me anyway) to news articles or raw URL links. Easy way to test this without going to any newsfeed URL or link is to right click and the Share box will automatically appear.

The types of content that don't do this are photos and YouTube thumbnails.

Edit: I removed most of my FB apps, many which I never use anymore and just have four now. Share box is still automatically opening after clicking URLs or news links.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Ok. Looks like the hand is forcing it. You may need to use an ad-blocker to at least disable social network buttons. I probably never see this because I only allow ads on certain websites.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Ok. Looks like the hand is forcing it. You may need to use an ad-blocker to at least disable social network buttons. I probably never see this because I only allow ads on certain websites.
I don't use ABP, but I do use a similar product called uBlock, and I whitelist sites I use and want to support, and Facebook is one of those. I don't mind the trending articles or the sponsored posts and whatnot. To block just one annoyance is extreme to me and I feel it could break Facebook when enabled. Since you have not experienced this behavior yourself, I'm starting to think they selected me for a beta test perhaps? Maybe they are testing this behavior out to those in the USA only? Or perhaps your AdBlock is not causing it to happen? I am able to reproduce this behavior with the latest Firefox, on Windows and Linux. I haven't tried other browsers yet.

I was able to send a feedback message to Facebook, and though I know they probably won't reply, they claim to read all feedback. I mentioned that if they include the ability to turn this behavior off in settings, I wouldn't complain.

To this end, I could just be making a mountain out of a molehill. I'll see if anything new develops or if I can get used to it.

Oh, I would recommend uBlock over AdBlock Plus since uBlock uses far less RAM, but I don't know if you can install it in Seamonkey and the Firefox version is still in beta. Works well for me though.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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