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And Monday is coming again...
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Bear from Bear in the Big Blue House vs. Cha Cha from Daisuke BuBu ChaCha. Discuss.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I'm torn between wanting to be more of a provider and not wanting to be away from my family for most of the days. The more I think on it, the more I think hosting a school in the cabin would ultimately be the best course of action.

I do wish my country still accepted more housewives. Oh, they're definitely permitted. What I'm saying is the social and cultural norm involves both parents working. Having a large family, ironically, lets me be socially accepted as a housewife while making an extra income a financial necessity. Our benefit, of course, is that we have four adults. This makes the additional financial necessity not necessarily have to come from me. (We also have a working teenager living with us. Her income is her own, however.)

Of course, I feel guilty and want more to come from me. Oh, giant cabin and farm, exist already. I'm going to will you into existence right now.

[Image: 2dqqa93.jpg]

That didn't work. Earth is so difficult.

RAMChYLD Wrote:Bear from Bear in the Big Blue House vs. Cha Cha from Daisuke BuBu ChaCha. Discuss.

I'm going with the latter because Bear is rather scary. Once, eleven years ago in a motel, Ben accidentally turned the television to Bear in the Big Blue House at the moments when Bear was "sniffing the audience". My brother's reaction was as follows.

Quote:"Whoa! What is that? That is one of the scariest things I've ever seen! I don't want a giant bear sniffing over my face and telling me I smell nice!"
Stella Grapes Wrote:
RAMChYLD Wrote:Bear from Bear in the Big Blue House vs. Cha Cha from Daisuke BuBu ChaCha. Discuss.

I'm going with the latter because Bear is rather scary. Once, eleven years ago in a motel, Ben accidentally turned the television to Bear in the Big Blue House at the moments when Bear was "sniffing the audience". My brother's reaction was as follows.

Quote:"Whoa! What is that? That is one of the scariest things I've ever seen! I don't want a giant bear sniffing over my face and telling me I smell nice!"

That "sniffing the audience" does sound weird, but I do have another friend that is a fan of "Bear". I haven't seen much of the series, not even a single half hour episode, but I am willing to give it a chance, and I would suggest you do the same, even though the "sniffing the audience" part sounds creepy. I would have to see it myself to make my own final judgement on that little part.

Even if I do decide the "sniffing the audience" part is creepy/scary/weird/whatever, that really wouldn't put a dent on the rest of the show for me.

Speaking of that "Bear" fan I mentioned, it's been a full month since he has last spoke to me on messenger, and has apparently vanished completely from the internet. I have been a good friend of his for almost 10 years now, and he hasn't disappeared for this long. Thus, I am worried about him.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Bear from Bear in the Big Blue House vs. Cha Cha from Daisuke BuBu ChaCha. Discuss.
Definitely the latter. I was a fan of the series for two years for a reason. I have watched all 52 episodes and truth to be told, some made me leak tears.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
I hope your friend is all right, cpd2009.

There is a woman who is, lately, so irritating to me. I met her this year, and she has been complaining about my being pregnant because she doesn't think giving birth is something worth caring about and she doesn't understand why people are congratulating me. In fact, if people congratulate me where she can hear or see the congratulations, she says to the people that she doesn't understand the fuss and that we are all weird.

Yes, apparently everyone else is weird and she is the only normal person. :|

This is not about her, not about her in any little bit, and it isn't nice of her to say, well, the above and other bizarre things she says that seem like she's trying to make me feel bad for meeting my goal. She has done this to other women, too, twice that I've witnessed. She has never been invited to a baby shower, and I can see why. Why would anyone do this????? What is the point, magically making others think like you do? All you're doing is making others think you're an annoying and rude pest.

She does have a mental problem, so no one knows quite what to say to her. Everyone she irritates tells her to stop, and she forgets that people told her to stop within a few minutes' time. She can think whatever she wants as long as she doesn't try to make people feel bad, though I'm not sure she knows whether or not she hurts feelings, and as long as she doesn't whine about things that aren't any of her business and don't affect her in the least.

There are people who have suggested I run a type of weekly or monthly support group, and the problem is that people like this annoying woman would join. Am I a hypocrite to not want to deal with that? I don't think I am a hypocrite. No one would go to a support groups where they knew they would get whined at every time they said anything. Acceptance is all well and good until you run into some people who are...

I don't know how to describe it other than to say some people are very very selfish and irritating.

Anyway, another woman who does run such a group in another state says that trying to get the people in her group to agree on anything is like trying to herd cats.

Cats are stubborn. Poor lady was trying to have votes for a restaurant to hold meetings in, and no one voted the same way nor did anyone want to change their votes. This caused drama over people, all adults who should have known better, threatening to leave if they didn't get their way or if some people they didn't get along with didn't leave. That is plain ridiculous and sounds more like trying to herd fighting fish than trying to herd cats.
That sounds... sad.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:That sounds... sad.


I wish I wasn't such an angry woman so often. Without realizing I thought it, I thought that doing "regular things" I hadn't done sooner would erase my angry streak. It's made my angry streak much more helpful and I am at least less of a, well, sour woman. That doesn't erase my angry streak, only channels it into helpful venues. I found out more about the life of the person who was annoying, and now I feel so angry at unfair things that have happened to her.

Life is forever bittersweet for me. I wish so deeply that this could change, though I know it cannot. When I was a child, I was very energetic and outgoing and, despite all I had against me, I was usually happy outside of my home. Yes, I had sad moments. On the whole, however, I was such an enthusiastic child to the world that other people couldn't keep up with my fast excitable talking, silly energy, and unusual expressions of joy. Tina, a long-time friend, says I acted like my mind and body were on overdrive when we first met. My happiness annoyed others, it was so loud and oblivious. I was a lively free spirit, naïve enough to think that someday I could always be so glad.

That little girl held on to her happiness for longer than most would have. One could argue that this was because she was a "stupid" child. If that was being "stupid", I'm glad she was. The happiness of the little girl was never fully lost, more like stored away for safekeeping in my heart.

I have no idea if the little girl would be disappointed in me or proud of me. She didn't quite grasp the concept of anger. When she was upset, she was sad or scared. She saw anger daily. She didn't understand its existence.

Anger is useful if you can do something about it, even if it is to simply help to change things by talking about them. I am so tired of it, though. It's not fun to be an angry woman. The little girl really wants to have fun. The woman really wants to rescue people and bring about awareness. It is possible to do these things while having fun. Goodness knows plenty of the people involved can be plenty of fun. The cores of serious issues are never fun, alas, and endless other problems involved are never fun.

A part of me wishes I had skill at carpentry, engineering, computers, gadgetry, or something else that doesn't involve so many emotions. But no, I'm a stereotypical female. I must be emotionally motivated and destined to work with people! Boo-hoo!

(That last paragraph was mostly being silly. If I could flip a switch and change myself into a differently skilled person, I certainly would not. Besides, Ben is decent at half those things mentioned above and he could definitely be an engineer if it didn't bore him. He's about as emotional as I am, so I don't think changing skills would do much in the way of changing emotions. It would, in fact, be much more irritating to want to do certain things and lack the talent... For example, though this will sound unimportant next to other things I've been saying, I've always wished I had talent for singing.)
I... have had a very odd problem for around four months. What happens is that one of my arms takes on a life of its own and slams into something, either an inanimate object or an upper part of my body (i.e., a breast). This was rare at first. It's starting to happen more than once a week.

  • This usually occurs at night
  • I've never smacked another person while doing this
  • I've never smacked a fragile object while doing this

This list causes me to think that I retain some amount of control. I have a theory as to what this could be connected to, that being how I've always flapped my arms as one of my odd expressions of joy ever since before I was born. (My mother had frequent dreams of giving birth to a somersaulting octopus, when she was pregnant with me. She dreamed the same about Guess Who, though that's another story.)

With time, my movements became more subdued in public. It never stopped, of course, certainly not in private. Add that to my arms always being very - fast-moving, I suppose. I'm not sure I like this theory. It makes it seem like I broke myself.

I just remembered, this reminds me of a short play written three years ago by Megan. It was a "here's something to entertain you during the intermission of the main show" sketch comedy. She contributed this a few days before the main show premiered, so it was quite random and silly. There were two characters, one played by her and the other played by Ben. Due to preparation chaos, Ben didn't realize until the night of the show that he was in the short sketch. All of his lines were said in confusion and monotone, because he was saying them for the first time and wondering what on earth he had agreed to.

I Smack Everyone I See

Man: "I... smack everyone I see. Ever since my... wife died, I... smack everyone I see." :roll:
Girl: "I will be your friend!"
Man: "Oh... no.... You cannot be my friend. I will... smack you. Go... away."
Girl: "You will not smack me! I have glue! I will glue your hands together!"
[Girl pretends to glue Man's hands behind his back]
Man: "Oh... Hurray. Now I will not... smack everyone I see."

The End

I love how unenthusiastic he sounded through all of that. :lol:
Stella Grapes Wrote:I love how unenthusiastic he sounded through all of that. :lol:
Comedy gold Tongue

On the downside, my flu and latest escapades has led me to contract a disease called Henoch Schönlein Purpura. It's not a pleasant disease. My legs and arms look fugly right now, though my hands, neck and face are fine. And I've been grounded with a Medical Leave for 7 days.

I'm not going to post the wikipedia page because it's NSFW.


So my new droidphone somehow found Blake's phone number and added that to my address book. And I slipped my finger and accidentally made my phone dial a IDD call to The Philippines a few moments ago. I think the call got through Tongue

Yeah, I picked up a new phone.

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Notice it's model name. And Cha Cha it is, given the landslide victory against Bear.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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