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The Spam Thread!
Angel Wrote:(I finally ranked up. It's been bugging me being a Newbie for so long. Hehe.)
I wonder if Sandy can do something about this... Wink

cpd2009 Wrote:Also, David, do they sell Acer laptops in Malaysia? Acer isn't that bad IMO, at least not as bad as Dell or HP when it comes to customer service. There is also Toshiba too, but unsure if they sell Toshiba laptops in your country.
They do- my colleague lugs one into work. Although because Acer doesn't make high-end AMD gaming systems, I don't usually bother. As for Toshiba, they're quite expensive and usually targeted at businesses, but yes, they're also available albeit quite hard to find.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Turns out, Chrysanthemum's AC adapter won't work with Pablo, as the AC plug size is different.

Tomorrow, I will see if the PC store has any spare AC adapters I can look at and hopefully I can find a spare one without issue. I memorized the polarity and voltage Pablo requires.

Until then, Pablo sleeps because Greta hasn't been used for the past two days. :/
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
What's wrong with Newegg?
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:What's wrong with Newegg?

I doubt Wade thinks there is anything wrong with Newegg, it's probably just a supporting local sort of thing. Hey, it can be worth it to check out local places if simply for convenience. Plus some local places can price things a bit cheaper by comparison. Like, I have a local bookstore that just always sells books at half the cover price. So I can find cheap comic book trades there when they would be a lot more expensive on Amazon and the like.
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Angel Wrote:
RAMChYLD Wrote:What's wrong with Newegg?

I doubt Wade thinks there is anything wrong with Newegg, it's probably just a supporting local sort of thing. Hey, it can be worth it to check out local places if simply for convenience. Plus some local places can price things a bit cheaper by comparison. Like, I have a local bookstore that just always sells books at half the cover price. So I can find cheap comic book trades there when they would be a lot more expensive on Amazon and the like.
That's true Angel. I ordered from NewEgg before, and they do come in handy if a computer part I want is not available anywhere locally. I always try the local store first, whether it be a book, video game, or movie I want. If none of the local stores have it, then I try to wait until I get out of town to WalMart, but if that isn't feasible, then I shop online for what I want or need. Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
i'd love to support local stores, but what they have, they usually jack the price up by 200%.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:i'd love to support local stores, but what they have, they usually jack the price up by 200%.

I do agree with that sometimes. I definitely won't pay more then I could get other places and just a little bit of patience. Although if it's just like a dollar or two more and the quality is good. It's situational, but I twice the cost is definitely pushing it.
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Angel Wrote:
RAMChYLD Wrote:i'd love to support local stores, but what they have, they usually jack the price up by 200%.

I do agree with that sometimes. I definitely won't pay more then I could get other places and just a little bit of patience. Although if it's just like a dollar or two more and the quality is good. It's situational, but I twice the cost is definitely pushing it.
That brings up another part of my Shop Local strategy. See, around my town, we personally know people who either work at the local stores or actually run them. I'll admit, the prices for, say, a USB floppy drive at the local computer store can be much higher than on eBay, but since I know the person who runs the store, I would rather buy the USB drive from him than online. I would have to save up money for it though, and like Angel, it's different for every situation. Fun fact... computer store brought in a USB floppy drive a few months after I ordered off eBay. Sad

Some local stores have good deals on items, but it's just that because I happen to live in a small town, we don't get new release video games or DVDs when all the big cities do. Selection of other items like electronics and clothes is also very limited. In the end, I may have to order things online more in a small town like mine, and I should be happy since the stores in town, while friendly, don't always have what I want. When it comes to retro video games, shopping online is likely the only option since I don't live in a Golden State hint hint that has loads of game shops and several swap meets.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Well, turns out Pablo didn't like PCLinuxOS. 3D games had serious graphical errors and artifacting, and I know his integrated GPU isn't on the fritz as Windows Aero runs perfectly fine. Shame too, since 2D rendering was good and KDE was quick and snappy.

So, I tried Ubuntu, and Ubuntu runs swell. 3D games run, and Extreme TuxRacer has a very good framerate. The function buttons work fine, and speed is better than that of Windows despite running from an old IDE hard disk in a USB 2.0 enclosure.

Looks like Ubuntu will be my main Linux OS, but I might go ahead and replace it with Kubuntu since I like KDE more. Seems far more customizable than Unity.

Last thing... Greta will have to rest for a while, at least until Monday hopefully. I should be able to see if the PC store has a spare laptop adapter as I'm sure he has many from unrepairable laptops and whatnot. If not, I shall search online, though I heard some after-market laptop adapters are cheaply built.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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