Blackberry Bun Wrote:Am I in the wrong if I say that I don't care about anything which I have no power to make any changes? Especially at current times when my own country is in a questionable situation.
No, not at all. But you should at least follow the events. China is a big country, and if they ever did anything on the level of the Tianamen Square Massacre, it could draw serious consequences from the USA and other Western powers. If it gets really bad, military action could result, and with the US and other world economies being so dependent on Chinese imports, the economic impact would be felt worldwide.
Even though you can't change the situation in Hong Kong (all of us can't), it helps to stay in the know because if something does happen in China that hurts world economies, you can at least prepare for the shock and live through the economic downturn it might bring. I hate to sound doomy gloomy, but with China being so hardline against dissent, it's a remote possibility.
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Speaking of Hongkong, I completely forgot to post pictures of my recent vacation there. Well, here are some of them.
I don't want to sound nitpicky, but here is a helpful suggestion when posting images in the future. Use the "Img" tag option in the post editor. It places IMG tags around your photo URL and that way, the photos will appear in the thread reply.
As for the photos.... what camera were those taken with? They look good, and Hong Kong looks amazing at night. I'm glad you were able to go there before the protests broke out.