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The Spam Thread!
cpd2009 Wrote:
This is Pammy.

Her glasses are beautiful.

[Image: vlcsnap-2013-12-22-19h19m49s206_zps84d0df47.png]

That is all.

Truth be told, I tend to like animated characters who wear glasses, such as Lili and Nessa from "My Big Big Friend", Ermine from "Franklin", Angora from the obscure Canadian cartoon "Pumper Pups" that features four pastel colored puppies who run the fire department.... and a few others I can't recall from the top of my head.

She seems to be beautiful in general. ^_^

Pictures of Sakura are always amazing too~ <3
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Angel Wrote:She seems to be beautiful in general. ^_^
Oh, no doubt about that either. ^_^

It seems that Pammy is a minor character in the Bellflower Bunnies based on what I found on a fan created Wikia.

Too bad there aren't that many English episodes on YouTube. The rest are in Polish.

The English DVDs are long out of print, and those got released only in Europe. The USA just got a few episode collections on VHS tape that are also OOP.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Okay. This is going to be a somewhat long rant, and I will try not to get too political, but I need to let this out.

I have many friends, both online and in real life, and I try to be tolerant of their differing opinions, whether they be about politics, entertainment, computers, and the whole gamut of opinions people can have.

However, I sometimes really struggle to tolerate political opinions. Personally, I am mostly freethinking in regards to my political views, and I try really hard to stay friends with a few on Facebook who have right-leaning political views. Hell, I even agree with a couple conservative POVs at times, but yet at other times, these same friends post pictures or articles that have been distorted and spun by right wing news sources, and which have been debunked by other media. My usual response is to ignore these posts, like any good friend should do, but sometimes I actually feel like debating these people on the feed and point out why that POV is wrong, short-sighted, hateful, you get the idea.

Here is where my struggles truly begin. I almost get ready to debate the person, but I become worried that doing so would either bring that friends other FB friends to personally attack me for my opinion. This is very common on Facebook, whether the topic be left or right. I also risk losing my friends as well if I start a debate and end up making myself look like a fool. This will just "prove" the other persons belief that liberals are intolerant of other peoples opinions besides their own. It's a stereotype that goes around political communities, both left and right, each one accusing the other of censoring opinions critical of them.

I could unfriend these people, sure, but not if you have known them since YouTube's heyday back in 2008 and 2009. The reason why I became friends in the first place was they share my passion for classic animation and several pre-school animated shows I also admire. Unfriending these people just because of politics would be stupid, and it would hurt that persons feelings deeply, as well as making me look stupid as well.

It also pains me that these friends follow certain Facebook pages and groups that spread hate-filled content such as anti-LGBT views, anti-Muslim views, and other nonsense. It saddens me deeply when I explore these pages, see the hateful things being spread, and people actually liking these things, including my friends.

Another thing is that today, I found one of my favorite childrens book illustrators on Facebook, and discovered that this particular illustrator follows said right-wing nonsense. I won't say who the illustrator is, but this is what drove me to rant about this. I'm currently going through a struggle yet again, as my appreciation for said artist, who creates beautiful whimsical artwork is starting to slip. I shouldn't let it slip because factoring an artists political beliefs into my perception of them is wrong, but it's so hard not to let it slip at the same time.

Simply put... politics can be really depressing for me. For all the wonderful things social media can do for the people, at the same time it can really bring out the ugliness and intolerance of American society. I even get to the point where I wish such intolerant and hateful opinions be censored, but that is a very touchy issue in itself in regards to first amendment rights.

Do any of you have any ideas on how I can better tolerate others politics that I have trouble dealing with at times? I really don't want to end up making myself look foolish if I end up going on some sort of political rant that costs me some friends I have known for years.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
I know, it's a deep and contentious issue. There's no magic bullet to it either - you can come up with one solution, but at what cost?

Which reminds me of a quote that I always like to say from L.A. Noire: "Friends who want to stay friends, don't discuss religion or politics." It's hard, and while I can express my sentiments on the matter, I don't want to end up getting in the way of others who may not agree with my views. Then again I don't want to let such intolerance, bigotry and other such B.S. slide.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
huckleberrypie Wrote:I know, it's a deep and contentious issue. There's no magic bullet to it either - you can come up with one solution, but at what cost?

Which reminds me of a quote that I always like to say from L.A. Noire: "Friends who want to stay friends, don't discuss religion or politics." It's hard, and while I can express my sentiments on the matter, I don't want to end up getting in the way of others who may not agree with my views. Then again I don't want to let such intolerance, bigotry and other such B.S. slide.

I think it's just best to try to ignore it, even if you know what that person believes is wrong.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
My general principle is "Your belief is yours, my belief is mine."

In essence, it just means that I put sensitive things such as religion and political views aside and just be friends the way it is, no matter what his/her views are.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
I should have quoted something but here I am.

Honestly, I talk at great lengths with people who don't share the same opinions as me. Even religiously and politically. Honestly, I believe that the main thing is to always have RESPECT for the other person's opinion. To not think of your opinion as right and there's as wrong. To listen and imagine the other person complexly, realize why the came to this conclusion. If you feel someone is sharing something you believe is just incorrect, you could always privately message them and in a kind and understanding way tell them that you believe that it's 'incorrect' but I feel like most political issues tend to be just opinions of course.

But you should always, in my opinion, be true to yourself. I mean, I'm probably the only person here who actually thinks the Google+ thing was totally fine, who doesn't blame Youtube for the CONTENTID system and many other opinions that don't match up with the majority here. But I respect you guys, I understand that you think so and I learn why and I respect those reasons to. I think you guys are some of the most intelligent guys I've met.

I think true friends can talk about anything. I do think that people you are just acquaintances with.. it might be best to just let it go. If you can, talk to someone about something that might be potentially embarrassing, like sharing something just outright incorrect, in private. Smile
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Thanks for the wonderful responses everyone. Smile I appreciate the advice.

I have such wonderful friends here. Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:Thanks for the wonderful responses everyone. Smile I appreciate the advice.

I have such wonderful friends here. Smile

You're welcome! And I'm glad to have you as a 'swell friend, too! Big Grin
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Been feeling like adorable animals with human level intelligences is becoming a big must do around here. At least, maybe that's just my excuse for giving Minka some avatar appreciation. Really though, I think I'm going to stick with it for a while.. :lol: I also actually wanna make myself a signature later.. I got some brushes and fonts I want to play around with.

Yay, after saving many dollars I decided to treat myself to a few things. Got myself the 2013 Collector's Lalaloopsy Doll, Goldie Luxe. I had planned on getting her at Target, when basic Google searches tend to say it's cheapest there. However once I had gotten to the review your order part of the process I noticed that the shipping and tax (we have tax on online purchases here in Arizona) was pretty much adding 10 dollars to the price. I decided to shop around and realized I could get the same base price for her from Amazon, but also pay no tax and get free shipping if I spent the rest of my money and got something else amazing too. So I got one of the Ruby Gloom DVD's I've been putting off getting and ended up getting a big discount too and it ended up 5 dollars cheaper then JUST the doll at Target!

Ever since Netflix pulled Ruby Gloom down right when the DVD's finally were released in America, I've told myself over and over I needed to start getting them. I love Ruby Gloom a ton. Strawberry Shortcake is one of my role models, and Ruby Gloom really has a lot in common with the character on a personality level which has made it easy for me to get the same happy feelings I get from her. They have plenty of similarities and I feel like they would be amazing friends. I've even seem some adorable fanart of them together on tumblr and seen basic agreement that they are similar girls. The supporting cast is so cute too, Misery is super adorable.

Today Jim Sterling talked abot on TheEscapist in his weekly rant video the concept that gamers lately have been hating on people liking games they don't like. It's totally true that it feels like gamers have evolved from just hating when people dislike games they like to actively disliking games if other people like them. Like anyone who dares to like DMC: Devil May Cry (which I did) is instantly treated like just liking something is a big offense to them. I hope that really stops. We all should encourage people to have their own opinions and people should be allowed to like whatever makes them happy. ^_^

Alexia is finally getting over her sickness! I'm so happy! We actually managed to avoid getting me sick this time. She still seems happier about that fact then I am. We are getting closer and closer to our move to Texas next year.. and she certainly seems excited. I'm glad this time I'll be going with my sister. It will feel much more like home that way.

Sorry about the long rant. I'm just getting more comfortable around here these days.
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
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