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The Spam Thread!
I need two more friends on Steam. Any takers?
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:I need two more friends on Steam. Any takers?

I haven't really used Steam that much even though I set up an account there and everything. I already have enough games as it is. Tongue

Oh, I was wondering David.. do you have a LeapFrog product called "ClickStart: My First Computer?" If so, how is it?

I'm wanting to get one of those myself along with a VSmile Console sometime.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:
RAMChYLD Wrote:I need two more friends on Steam. Any takers?

I haven't really used Steam that much even though I set up an account there and everything. I already have enough games as it is. Tongue

Oh, I was wondering David.. do you have a LeapFrog product called "ClickStart: My First Computer?" If so, how is it?

I'm wanting to get one of those myself along with a VSmile Console sometime.
[Image: 6UeGPvK.jpg]
Well, to be honest, there's only one interesting game (at least, to me) for it, the original Pet-Pals. So yeah. The only reason I got it was because Dot (remember her?) made an appearance when you switch on the console, though the main screen mostly focuses on Scout. There are a few other titles, but I had no interest in them. So yeah, I have my reasons to own one, but well, there's only about a dozen games for the platform, so your call.

As for the V-Smile, personally I'd recommend a V-Smile Cyber Pocket instead. Since it's portable and most V-Smile titles work on it- the only exceptions are a few titles that require special accessories like dance mats or keyboards, or if you want two player play. The PSTN screen is a bit naff and seems to pick up interference from 50Hz hums, but you can connect it to a TV as well if you wish. Plus, I imagine that the 50Hz hum issue wouldn't be a problem in the US where everything runs at 60Hz instead.

And for Steam, I don't mind. CPD2005, right? Need to get 10 friends to qualify for a lucky draw organized by Valve. 300 chosen winners gets one of the 300 Steambox console prototypes to participate in the Steambox beta.

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Said winners also gets a Steam Controller prototype to go with the console:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ontroller/</a><!-- m -->

Given that Dongwa just croaked (damn I'm having a mean, nasty and horrible year!) a new box will be of help to me at a time like this, where money is tight because the government is being an ass and increasing the price of fuel (They lie! They promised that they will not increase fuel prices if they get re-elected! Of course I saw through the charade, but apparently the other millions of village folks and natives didn't!), which caused the price of everything else to skyrocket.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Well, to be honest, there's only one interesting game (at least, to me) for it, the original Pet-Pals. So yeah. The only reason I got it was because Dot (remember her?) made an appearance when you switch on the console, though the main screen mostly focuses on Scout. There are a few other titles, but I had no interest in them. So yeah, I have my reasons to own one, but well, there's only about a dozen games for the platform, so your call.

As for the V-Smile, personally I'd recommend a V-Smile Cyber Pocket instead. Since it's portable and most V-Smile titles work on it- the only exceptions are a few titles that require special accessories like dance mats or keyboards, or if you want two player play. The PSTN screen is a bit naff and seems to pick up interference from 50Hz hums, but you can connect it to a TV as well if you wish.

RAMChYLD Wrote:And for Steam, I don't mind. CPD2005, right? Need to get 10 friends to qualify for a lucky draw organized by Valve. 300 chosen winners gets one of the 300 Steambox console prototypes to participate in the Steambox beta.
I may have to retrieve my username there since it's been ages. Sad No promises, but I'll try and get it to you soon.

RAMChYLD Wrote:Given that Dongwa just croaked (damn I'm having a mean, nasty and horrible year!) a new box will be of help to me at a time like this, where money is tight because the government is being an ass and increasing the price of fuel

What happened to Dongwa? Another PSU explosion?

In other news, it still seems that Lilly still is slow even with a clean re-install of OSX. Why can't the new release of OSX Mavericks come fast enough?
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:What happened to Dongwa? Another PSU explosion?
Typo. Edison was the one that croaked. And no, thankfully this time it's not the PSU.

Unfortunately, it appears to be the GPUs.

I don't know what happened. All I know is that the GPUs were already on the verge of going off since last month, when I was lured to the latest NVidia drivers by the prospect of better Borderlands 2 performance (yeah, love hate relationship with that f**king game. Runs like molasses on Edison. On Violette, it's not playable at all).

But what I did yesterday had nothing to do with the GPUs at all- all I did was install two front panel hard drive trays. Then I powered him up and he at first refuse to power up. After I did the regular stuff (pulled all his RAM and test them, remove the video cards and then reinstalled it so I can get to the CMOS jumper, he started glitching out big time.

This is really going to cost me... Stupid Nvidia...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:I don't know what happened. All I know is that the GPUs were already on the verge of going off since last month, when I was lured to the latest NVidia drivers by the prospect of better Borderlands 2 performance (yeah, love hate relationship with that f**king game. Runs like molasses on Edison. On Violette, it's not playable at all).

But what I did yesterday had nothing to do with the GPUs at all- all I did was install two front panel hard drive trays. Then I powered him up and he at first refuse to power up. After I did the regular stuff (pulled all his RAM and test them, remove the video cards and then reinstalled it so I can get to the CMOS jumper, he started glitching out big time.

This is really going to cost me... Stupid Nvidia...

Issues like that are the reason why I never install newer graphics drivers on Greta unless Gateway/Acer decides to put one out, a side effect of getting a pre-built system. With Audrey, she uses a generic driver, giving me the possibility of updating the drivers manually, but I still have that fear of the drivers messing things up.

Though Greta's Nvidia GPU is fine, the Optimus technology is a bit glitchy at times with certain programs. At one point, Google Chrome would refuse to render any pages after about an hour when using the GPU, and Mozilla Firefox didn't work with Optimus at all. Only way around those issues was to use her integrated graphics.

I can't even get VLC Media Player to use the GPU for video decoding either. Sad
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:Issues like that are the reason why I never install newer graphics drivers on Greta unless Gateway/Acer decides to put one out, a side effect of getting a pre-built system. With Audrey, she uses a generic driver, giving me the possibility of updating the drivers manually, but I still have that fear of the drivers messing things up.
As mentioned before, it's all Borderlands 2's fault. Maybe if the game hasn't been such a resource hog, I wouldn't have thought of upgrading the drivers.

cpd2009 Wrote:I can't even get VLC Media Player to use the GPU for video decoding either. Sad
Hmmm, check to see if there's a profiler screen. On Violette, ATI offers a profiler to select which programs run on which GPU, if the program was not configured to run in CrossFireX mode, instead.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Hmmm, check to see if there's a profiler screen. On Violette, ATI offers a profiler to select which programs run on which GPU, if the program was not configured to run in CrossFireX mode, instead.

Nvidia provides one in the GPU control panel, where you can choose what programs use which GPU. VLC is in the programs list, but the GPU selection is greyed out and I can't change it. Even right clicking on the program icon and telling it to run with the Nvidia GPU doesn't work. It still defaults to Intel Graphics.

However I found a way to get it to work though involving renaming the VLC executable and adding in the profile manually. It worked for one user on this forum, but I still need to see if it will work for me.
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I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Apple Store said my Mac is a goner.

Lost a friend and very sad. She didn't die. She's not my friend anymore and I can't figure out why.

Still stressed.

Planning to ask James to marry me all over again. I want to renew our vows next year, to have time to plan something bigger than the original wedding, on our anniversary.
Stella Grapes Wrote:Apple Store said my Mac is a goner.

Lost a friend and very sad. She didn't die. She's not my friend anymore and I can't figure out why.

Still stressed.

Ow. I would think the internal monitor cable went bad since the screen was flashing as you moved the screen in the past. Maybe they don't have the parts to repair it anymore.

Was the Apple Store able to recover your lost data off the drive? Or has that already been done?

And, most importantly, whats going to become of the Macbook now? Hopefully it won't go into the trash heap. Your Macbook was a friend and even though she just went up and died, you should still try and keep it around for sentimental value.

As for old Chrysanthemum, her death was my own fault for wanting to try Windows Vista. She still turns on, but the graphics processor is ruined, making her unusable. She is basically a doorstop. If I left her on Windows XP, I would probably still be using her on a daily basis.

Do I plan on getting rid of her? No. She was a dear friend that I ended up hurting due to my insistence on using Windows Vista. I could never want to get rid of her completely.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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