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The Spam Thread!
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Looks like there will be no Adobe CS7.. it's going cloud only.

There are times when I wish there were no "cloud computing" like this. And because of this, I fear for the future of computers. Will they all become online-only systems like Chromebook? Will there be no more offline software?

Adobe and other companies think it's cool for them to embrace a "cloud" only model as it will bring them a steady stream of revenue from monthly subscription fees. Well, this strategy will come back to bite these companies because of server outages and possible hacking attacks. Remember what happened to PSN!!

I believe there will always be a market for offline-only software. If corporations and consumers begin to rely too much on online only software and systems, just imagine what would happen if some sort of disaster happened.... the servers would go offline and the people who went and bought the technology will become helpless as their technology that their lives depend on is no longer working.

There will always be a place for offline software and hardware.

That is all.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Was hospitalized again. Back.
Stella Grapes Wrote:Was hospitalized again. Back.

Ouch... again.

Feeling any better? Sad
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:Adobe and other companies think it's cool for them to embrace a "cloud" only model as it will bring them a steady stream of revenue from monthly subscription fees.
The truth is, it's because of DRM. They were the second company after M$ to adopt online activation. It's bad enough that their software costs over a thousand Malaysian dollars apiece or up to over ten thousand Malaysian dollars for the whole suite. Many Malaysians don't have that kind of money to spend, especially college goers who need the software for homework (and Adobe Malaysia does not offer educational pricing at all). Unfortunately, because big businesses tend to stick with Microsoft and Adobe just because it has support helplines instead of choosing open source alternatives like Linux, Gimp, InkScape and LibreOffice, people are going to suffer. Many want to take their work home, but are unable to afford the software. But they want to be with their family at the end of the day instead of being stuck in the office overnight.

Maybe this will finally mark the rise of Linux. People are getting tired of online requirements - it hurts people stuck with bandwidth quotas and are about as reliable as a leaky rowboat.


Just great. More. Taxes coming up. Now they're going to implement a healthcare tax that everyone must pay, which before this was part of the income tax. Nice job, people who voted the tyrant party back into power.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:The truth is, it's because of DRM. They were the second company after M$ to adopt online activation.

That too. The companies want a steady stream of revenue too. Greed and DRM go hand in hand.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
So far...

Elsie (Wii) over Component Input = Excellent. No problems with picture or input lag.
Lars (PS2) over Component Input = Excellent... until you run some PS1 games...
DVD over Component Input = Excellent.
Sega/Nintendo retro clone systems = Good. No input lag problems. PQ is not nearly as good as component due to being obviously standard composite signals, but it's good enough for me.

Here is the problem with Lars... PS2 games will run fine, but there are PS1 games. I tried running "Namco Museum Vol 3" and I get no picture, but sound. Apparently this is a known problem among other PS2 users. Some PS1 games display fine, while others have picture quality issues or don't display a picture at all.

I noted that while running PS1 games with Anna-Lena V2, white objects on the screen would sometimes produce dark horizontal bars whenever the white object was displayed. That was a minor issue though and the game played just fine otherwise. This means Lars is just fine... it's the RCA HDTV that doesn't like the odd component signal from PS1 games.

This means I may have to use Lars with one of my other TVs... maybe good old Max, my first flat panel that I still have with me. I am planning on using that for Jasper's new monitor, and I may as well use it for PS2/PS1 games as well. Either that, or find a good used PS1... definitely a "PSOne" model.

One more thing.... leaving a game HUD on the screen for long enough time will actually cause temporary image retention. It goes away in about a minute though.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
My father is back home. Since Friday actually.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
cpd2009 Wrote:
Stella Grapes Wrote:Was hospitalized again. Back.

Ouch... again.

Feeling any better? Sad

Much. Smile

Thank you for asking.
still trying to cope with failure...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Stella Grapes Wrote:Much. Smile

Thank you for asking.

You're welcome. Smile

Oh, and Happy Mothers Day too! Smile I hope you had a very great day on Sunday.

Tech-stuff below... friendly reminder.
Max, my first flat panel HDTV is now Jasper's monitor.

Speaking of Jasper, I'm going to attempt to run Windows Vista SP2. Windows XP will reach EOL in a little over a year now, and I need to see if Vista will run decently well. If results are not satisfactory, I will permanently switch Jasper over to Linux. I already have a Windows XP VM in Parallels Desktop for my video encoding needs.

And, Anna-Lena V3 is official. I now plan on selling off the iSymphony TV that once held her name. I could also sell off Max too, but he was a Christmas gift from my parents, and I am not getting rid of him because of that. I finally found a use for him, as I mentioned above.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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