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The Spam Thread!
Attention all Americans:

I beg of you... Please sign this partition: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... n/nBqKR7bm</a><!-- m -->

And this: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... n/nBqKR7bm</a><!-- m -->

Do it so I can have Arthur again. Vote out this tyrannical government who values cronyism and are hypocrites. The election was rigged. Plain and simple. The government sourced Bangladeshis and Filipinos to put in phantom votes on their behalf. As long as they are in power, they put on a fake Islamic front to make themselves look pious (and had banned the show on the filmsy front that Marc Brown supports Israel, no doubt so they don't have to buy the show and can keep airing their locally-made crap and pocket the surplus for their own nefarious uses. They have also banned Erykah Badu over a non issue and even banned hot cross buns). I know that they will not fool god if he exists, but please... I need Arthur more than ever now (especially after... nevermind, there's one of them on this forum)... Help me be happy again... Let the opposition, who promised freedom of Internet and Media (and thus restoring the ability to own C-Band Big Ugly Dish receivers legally) come into power... So I can receive Arthur from Singapore if they continue to refuse to bring it back...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Yep, heard of that. Those bastards sure are quite desperate - going so far as to hiring Flips or anyone else just to have the polls rigged sure is heavy-handed.

Now if only that the /b/tards would take action... Tongue
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
huckleberrypie Wrote:Yep, heard of that. Those bastards sure are quite desperate - going so far as to hiring Flips or anyone else just to have the polls rigged sure is heavy-handed.

Now if only that the /b/tards would take action... Tongue

Well, if you can, get /b/ to sign the petition. I won't talk to them directly as many of them are the you-know-who's that I don't get along well with.

I wish Malaysians have the guts of Flips or Indons... The courage to go out and burn the tyrant's house down...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Either that, or have /b/ do "their thing" just as what they did in their previous ops. I'm sure you know what I mean.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I have received a 32'' HDTV....

Details to come!
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
[Image: DSCF5211_zpsad4a70d5.jpg]

This is my new TV, handed down to me from my brother, who upgraded to a newer LED-backlit Smart TV. It's an RCA L32WD12YX9 32'' LCD TV. He had it since 2006 or 2007, so it's in the vintage range by now, but it still works great except for at least two inputs.... those I will get into soon.

The connections are somewhat basic. There is a standard composite AV input on the left side, one HDMI connection, two component inputs, each with an audio input, and a VGA input. It also has an AV output jack, and from there you can connect the TV to your sound receiver.

So far, this TV has surpassed my expectations, even though it's a rather vintage model from around 2006 or 2007. My brother took really great care of it, so it's in excellent shape, however it does have a rather strange problem with the analog composite video and analog cable lines. For some reason, whenever you use those two connections, the picture is permanentely tinted blue-green and no messing of the settings will fix it. Try to and you will end up with a completely lava red picture...

Strawberry Shortcake shall demonstrate the analog picture issue:
[Image: DSCF5213_zps977e2736.jpg]

The picture is a near monochromatic blue here.

Normal picture via Component Input 2: (btw, the disc I used was "The Ugly Duckling and His Big Race") You can also see how colorful and vibrant the picture is... far better than Anna-Lena V2.
[Image: DSCF5215_zps09088de2.jpg]

Picture through standard AV:
[Image: DSCF5214_zps71f52b0d.jpg]

In real life, the red is much more intense... the camera reduces the color. Still, you can tell there is too much red.

The component inputs as well as the digital antenna input and the HDMI are unaffected by this picture issue. I'm not sure how the TV got this way, but perhaps something in the analog-to-digital converter went on the fritz (bad caps?). Since I route all my regular AV devices through Kipper (the DVD/VCR) and since analog TV in the US is dead, this presents no issue to me.

Is it worthy of inheriting the Anna-Lena name? It's very close to being so. The last cool thing about this set is that it can support PAL signals over component! Perhaps if the side AV connector worked correctly, it would support a PAL VCR.

As for HDTV, I'm not sure what the native resolution is. My guess it could be 720p, but it could be 1080i too. I have tried to find specifications for this TV to no avail, and the user manual doesn't give any notice about native resolution either.

[Image: DSCF5212_zpsec4615ae.jpg]
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
great. Now I have the flu...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Great. Less than one week after resuming power the corrupt tyranny announces that they're increasing the cost of electricity.

Sometimes I wish I was dead. No way I can keep my lab running at that new rate...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Great. Less than one week after resuming power the corrupt tyranny announces that they're increasing the cost of electricity.

Sometimes I wish I was dead. No way I can keep my lab running at that new rate...

Perhaps you should try consolidating functions from your multiple PCs into just a few. Don't know of that will work for you though, especially for retro computing.

Also, found out the new 32'' RCA is probably 1080i native resolution. With Anna-Lena V2 I was able to send a 1080p signal from the DVD/VCR (though signal was downscaled to 720p), but I can't do that with the new set. Either way, it looks brilliant!

It also has a strange tuner setup.... one input for analog only, and one for digital.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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