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The Spam Thread!
cpd2009 Wrote:Could you avoid just using that one bad RAM slot, at the cost of decreased RAM capacity and performance? Or does that one bad RAM slot cause the board to not complete POST?

Perhaps the RAM slot may have dust in it too.
Well, I'm reluctant to put more money into this board. A defect forming all of the sudden is a sign that the board is dying- it may start with one RAM slot, then spread out components. And no, I'm already running on an insanely low amount of RAM as is (2GB. Just enough for Android development and some youtube viewing and nothing more).

As for dust, unlikely, since there was a bar of RAM on it. Shotgun testing shows that the bar of RAM is fine, and the board acts up when any bar of RAM is inserted into the slot. So it must be that the board is on the way out.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Well, I'm reluctant to put more money into this board. A defect forming all of the sudden is a sign that the board is dying- it may start with one RAM slot, then spread out components. And no, I'm already running on an insanely low amount of RAM as is (2GB. Just enough for Android development and some youtube viewing and nothing more).

As for dust, unlikely, since there was a bar of RAM on it. Shotgun testing shows that the bar of RAM is fine, and the board acts up when any bar of RAM is inserted into the slot. So it must be that the board is on the way out.

Odd. It's been a while, and my memory is failing me as always, but are the caps on Clementine's board the polymer type, or the older electrolytic type? If they are the latter, the caps could be on their way out even if they don't appear bulging. Excess voltage could have caused damage to the RAM slot as well. Didn't Clementine's PSU blow up recently?
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
<cue oriental music>



I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Yes, Clementine was one of the two PCs who suffered a PSU firecracker. Hence my reluctance to just replace the RAM- it MAY just spread to other RAM slots, and maybe eventually to the entire southbridge will go kaput itself. I've already identified a motherboard that's suitable for the job. Problem is getting it...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Alive. Feel gross.
Stella Grapes Wrote:Alive. Feel gross.
What happened? :|
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Ugh, my sleep pattern is getting all messed up!
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
In the meantime, my quest to squeeze as much FPS as possible out of Dongwa has gotten a little too far:
[Image: BtshceN.jpg]

Darnit, Fluxbox and I'm still stuck at a crummy 50fps?!? And I have SLI enabled and two GTX260-SP216es!

And before you ask, yes, VSync is off and Multicore rendering is on in TF2!

Edit: Okay, nevermind. I discovered the VSync settings in nvidia-settings, and it was enabled on a system level. Turning it off solved the problem, but only by a margin - I'm now only capable of hitting at most 79-80fps. By comparison, Edison regularly hits twice of that (140-160fps). I wonder if it's because the port still has some teething problems. According to Valve, they did not use Wine with the titles- they're doing native ports adapted from the Mac version of the games.

Or it could be simply because Edison's video cards are two iterations newer than Dongwa's- Edison is running on twin GTS450s, while Dongwa is running on twin GTX260s (which he in fact inherited from Edison).

Still, 50fps is mighty smooth already.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:In the meantime, my quest to squeeze as much FPS as possible out of Dongwa has gotten a little too far:
[Image: BtshceN.jpg]

Darnit, Fluxbox and I'm still stuck at a crummy 50fps?!? And I have SLI enabled and two GTX260-SP216es!

And before you ask, yes, VSync is off and Multicore rendering is on in TF2!

Personally, I would have VSync on so to help prevent image tearing. I don't like image tearing, which becomes evident when playing mostly 2D casual games like mine. Even if I do play a 3D game. 30 or 40fps will do for me as it looks smooth enough. Tongue

I also discovered that some of my games play with a very uneven framerate (like Chuzzle Deluxe or Astro Assembler) with VSync off. Sad
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:Personally, I would have VSync on so to help prevent image tearing. I don't like image tearing, which becomes evident when playing mostly 2D casual games like mine. Even if I do play a 3D game. 30 or 40fps will do for me as it looks smooth enough. Tongue

I also discovered that some of my games play with a very uneven framerate (like Chuzzle Deluxe or Astro Assembler) with VSync off. Sad
For me, we'll, response time is important. And In first person shooters, High FPS +low delay = high response = better chance of survival.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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