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The Spam Thread!
Decided to withdraw it.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
It's been a week since Black Friday, and I never shared what I got on BF.

In short, nothing much worth mentioning with pictures. I just got that $25 CD system and that watch from Menards, some Christmas items from Dollar Tree, and some Christmas decorations and book. No tablet since I got Daffodil the previous Wednesday.

I also discovered the Gameloft MLP games needs far more time commitment. I haven't played it for a week, and when I play again, Parasprites are everywhere! And I stupidly used up all my element shards in an attempt to get rid of them.

Next time I play, I may just start over fresh.... if I can find time to play it more.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Sanity went south.

Now begins wangst until Feb..

Wake me when December ends.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Sanity went south.

Now begins wangst until Feb..

Wake me when December ends.

Well, just don't repeat what you did last year, okay, with leaving the forum for a month and all? December may be a bad month for you for your own reasons, but that doesn't mean you should take out your anger and depression on us. You don't need to shy away from the internet in December. Just don't talk about the stuff in December that makes you upset.

We all need to learn to get along despite our differences and beliefs.

This is what I am trying to do on Facebook in regards to politics because I have a friend there who is a conservative, and I am a Liberal. (I know this isn't December related but hear me out). Though we try to be good friends, our stark political contrast sometimes reared its ugly head and throughout October, the month before election, we were basically ripping each other's throat out with politics, which involved sharing Facebook stories with opposing viewpoints on various issues. After election, I have apologized to my friend, who didn't take it too hard and since then, I have been trying to limit my politics posts.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Well, 6PM of today is supposedly it. Let's see what happens.

My regret? Not having a Nerf super soaker and a bottle of Blair's 6AM reserve ready.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Well, I learned that two BIOS updates were released for Wendell about two weeks back, and both versions were just days apart.

I have since updated. I installed BIOS v1.70 first, followed by v1.80 to be entirely safe.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
If you guys don't hear from me by tomorrow evening, contact the UN and have them send armies over to Malaysia...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:If you guys don't hear from me by tomorrow evening, contact the UN and have them send armies over to Malaysia...

Is this about that JLo concert? Or is there something more serious going down there?

On another subject, it appears that my neighbor to the north, [strike]North Dakota[/strike]Canada, is going to get yet another redesigned Wii. Feast your eyes on the Wii Mini:

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This all sounds fun when you first set your eyes on it. But, there is a dark side to the new Wii Mini.

No built-in WiFi module.

Yes, you heard right. Absolutely NO WiFi module inside this Wii Mini. Why is this a big deal? Without WiFi, you can't use games that require Nintendo WFC, such as Animal Crossing: City Folk. You can't stream Netflix. You can't download Virtual Console titles or WiiWare. You can't browse the Internet.

You get the general idea now.

This has to be one of the most idiotic ideas Nintendo has ever come up with. Yeah, it's nice to have a miniaturized Wii WITH BUILT IN WI-FI. Though that Wii Mini is small, don't tell us that you couldn't fit a WiFi module in there due to cost or space constraints. Daffodi, my Android Tablet PC, is very thin and small, about the size of one of those Wii U gamepads. You can certainly fit a WiFi module inside that small of a space.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
They could've just allowed for a separate WLAN adapter to be used at the very least. A sub-100 console seems fine (as it is a tad cheaper than the PS2), but it's a drag as it doesn't have internet connectivity.

It could work for developing countries as an alternative to Chinese white-box/clone consoles, though, if they ever decide to sell it in Asia or Brazil (well, since el-cheapo game consoles like the Master System and the Zeebo sell like pancakes in that country).
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
9:26 PM. Nothing about zombified toddlers roaming the street killing adults as prophesized in the Day of the Barney.

Maybe the government is censoring it like they censor every frigging news that makes them look bad nowadays.

cpd2009 Wrote:Is this about that JLo concert? Or is there something more serious going down there?
[Image: in3SY.jpg]

That purple thing was coming for a concert that's supposed to be held today at 6PM >.< Just as stated in the Day of the Barney >.<

I was expecting him to hypnotize the kids in the show into killing their parents, and then take to the street and kill every adult they happen across >.<

And I just found out that the Malaysian government is banning Elton John's upcoming concert just because a group of homophobic quranthumpers complained Sad Hey, numbskulls? Don't like it? Don't go see it! It's not like Elton John will get kids to kill all adults like that purple monster will! And you have no problems with that purple thing?!? If you're going to use your idiotic logic, isn't it pedophilia when that monster is telling kids he loves them, or homosexualism if he tells that to a boy, or bestiality in that the purple thing isn't even human?!?
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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