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The Spam Thread!
RAMChYLD Wrote:That purple thing was coming for a concert that's supposed to be held today at 6PM >.< Just as stated in the Day of the Barney >.<

I was expecting him to hypnotize the kids in the show into killing their parents, and then take to the street and kill every adult they happen across >.<

And I just found out that the Malaysian government is banning Elton John's upcoming concert just because a group of homophobic quranthumpers complained Sad Hey, numbskulls? Don't like it? Don't go see it! It's not like Elton John will get kids to kill all adults like that purple monster will! And you have no problems with that purple thing?!? If you're going to use your idiotic logic, isn't it pedophilia when that monster is telling kids he loves them, or homosexualism if he tells that to a boy, or bestiality in that the purple thing isn't even human?!?

Did you really expect the events in a hate fic to play out in real life? Seriously? [facepalm]

Look, the Day of the Barney is a hate fic that was written back in 1993, nearly 20 years ago. It's fiction, and nothing it says can happen in real life. We know you don't like Barney at all, but that doesn't mean you should take a hate fic as fact.

It's like taking any MLP:FIM fanfic and treating that as fact. Or taking any hardback fiction book (such as Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter) and treating that as fact. Fiction is what it is. It's stories written about events or happenings that haven't happened in real life. And "Day of the Barney" sounds so ridiculous that it's impossible for that story to become real.

The only way for a fiction to become real is if someone either watches or reads a fictional media and imitates or copies what it says in the fictional media. And "Day of the Barney" is so ridiculous that the global takeover described in said fic is entirely implausible.

Seeing as how there are no zombies or anything knocking at your door right now, it's safe to say that The Day of the Barney will never happen. Neither will 2012 doomsday.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
huckleberrypie Wrote:They could've just allowed for a separate WLAN adapter to be used at the very least. A sub-100 console seems fine (as it is a tad cheaper than the PS2), but it's a drag as it doesn't have internet connectivity.

It could work for developing countries as an alternative to Chinese white-box/clone consoles, though, if they ever decide to sell it in Asia or Brazil (well, since el-cheapo game consoles like the Master System and the Zeebo sell like pancakes in that country).

The only Chinese-clone equivalent to a Wii are those low-quality "Vii" systems that use either a NOAC or a 32-bit ARM processor with 16-bit esque graphics, and the "motion controls" are all infrared and they usually are automatic A button presses.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:Did you really expect the events in a hate fic to play out in real life? Seriously? [facepalm]
Well, given the incredibly implausible things that is happening in Malaysia... I mean, this is a country that banned Erykah Badu over a stupid temporary tattoo and is trying to get Elton John banned just because he's a homosexual!

cpd2009 Wrote:Or taking any hardback fiction book (such as Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter) and treating that as fact. Fiction is what it is.
Abraham Lincoln wasn't?


Next thing I know you'll be telling me that the story about him coming honest about leaving an axe mark on his father's favorite cherry tree is fiction as well >.<
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
cpd2009 Wrote:Did you really expect the events in a hate fic to play out in real life? Seriously? [facepalm]
Well, given the incredibly implausible things that is happening in Malaysia... I mean, this is a country that banned Erykah Badu and is trying to get Elton John banned!

Oh, one more thing. I did not happen across any kids while coming to work this morning. Given that it's the school holidays, there should be kids free-roaming the streets.

Yeah, further proof there that "Day of the Barney" will always be regulated to insane hate fiction.

As for those musicians getting banned.... blame that on hardline Muslim governments. Their acts are considered "immoral" to the holy Quran, so they either get them to clothe up more, or outright banned from performing in the country.

Governments like Malaysia provide very good reasons why church and state should remain separate. Merge them together and you get draconian hardline governments that force their religious beliefs on everyone. People need to be able to make their own choices on whether or not to believe in a god or be an atheist. That is not any government's responsibility, but sadly in many Muslim countries, that is happening.

RAMChYLD Wrote:Abraham Lincoln wasn't?


Next thing I know you'll be telling me that the story about him coming honest about leaving an axe mark on his father's favorite cherry tree is fiction as well >.<

I would never say that. I never stated that any real event is fiction. I was comparing "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" to "Day of the Barney" because believing that Abraham Lincoln was a vampire hunter is almost like believing that the events in 'Day of the Barney' will come true.

Fiction is meant to be fake. There are no vampires in real life, thus, Abraham Lincoln was never a vampire hunter, and believing that he was is just silly. Ficton like this provides good entertainment if you are into these types of fiction, but fiction should never be taken as fact. That is what I am getting at.

In short, don't believe that "Day of the Barney" will come true. It's so implausible and crazy that it just can't become true.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:There are no vampires in real life
Vlad the impaler >.<
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
cpd2009 Wrote:There are no vampires in real life
Vlad the impaler >.<

There is a difference between Vlad the Impaler and the Bram Stoker character that was based off him. Bram Stoker's Dracula is InNameOnly.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:As for those musicians getting banned.... blame that on hardline Muslim governments. Their acts are considered "immoral" to the holy Quran, so they either get them to clothe up more, or outright banned from performing in the country.

Governments like Malaysia provide very good reasons why church and state should remain separate. Merge them together and you get draconian hardline governments that force their religious beliefs on everyone. People need to be able to make their own choices on whether or not to believe in a god or be an atheist. That is not any government's responsibility, but sadly in many Muslim countries, that is happening.

It's also the reason why more people are turning atheist. They're getting sick and tired of the draconian fundamentalist mentality that's making things worse.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Semester exam in two days. Wish me luck.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]

I hate this.

I need a Wii U but can't afford it Sad

The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:*sigh*

I hate this.

I need a Wii U but can't afford it Sad


The Wii U got released too soon for me. I am not ready to give up Elsie yet.

NintendoLand looks really fun, but I will have to force myself to wait.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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