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cpd2009 Wrote:Mac OSX Mountain Lion success!!

Install took about an hour, but so far, so good. Seemed a little slow at times first boot, but now it's running great. Smile

I chose the direct upgrade option, as a clean install wasn't offered.
Well, if that's the case. then I'm gonna avoid Mountain Lion.

You don't like direct OS upgrades?

I don't do that on Windows, and I wouldn't do it with Lilly, but since one wasn't offered, I went ahead with the direct upgrade. It went smoothly, but slow. The download took one hour (the update is 4gb!), and install took about another hour. That is two hours total.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:
cpd2009 Wrote:Mac OSX Mountain Lion success!!

Install took about an hour, but so far, so good. Seemed a little slow at times first boot, but now it's running great. Smile

I chose the direct upgrade option, as a clean install wasn't offered.
Well, if that's the case. then I'm gonna avoid Mountain Lion.

You don't like direct OS upgrades?

I don't do that on Windows, and I wouldn't do it with Lilly, but since one wasn't offered, I went ahead with the direct upgrade. It went smoothly, but slow. The download took one hour (the update is 4gb!), and install took about another hour. That is two hours total.
Wait, I thought you said that there's no option to wipe the system and install from scratch XD

Misunderstood XD

Still can't afford Mountain Lion yet tho. And I still want to ensure that all my devices are fully supported before I upgrade.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Wait, I thought you said that there's no option to wipe the system and install from scratch XD

Misunderstood XD

Still can't afford Mountain Lion yet tho. And I still want to ensure that all my devices are fully supported before I upgrade.

Well, there isn't a clean install option. Once again, I failed to explain things correctly. Excuse me for that.

I should have asked...why do you prefer clean installs rather than direct upgrades?
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
RAMChYLD Wrote:And I still want to ensure that all my devices are fully supported before I upgrade.

Yeah, I get your drift. Fortunately in my case, most of my peripherals run well on Mountain Lion.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
cpd2009 Wrote:I should have asked...why do you prefer clean installs rather than direct upgrades?
Well, I did a full network data transfer to get my stuff from my BingoBeaver over to my Kiki. Kiki wouldn't boot after that Tongue

Apparently, Mac OS X also stupidly transfers over some of the Hacked kexts, which while causes Mac OS X to boot on an Asus board, also causes Mac OS X to not boot on a real Mac XD

I was lucky it was still able to go into safe mode however, and it started booting again once I realized what was going on and quickly trashed the hackintosh kexts.

However, I left behind two kexts- my Rockfire PX-205 "driver" (well, it's a kext that fixes a glitch in Mac OS X so that the Rockfire PX-205 Playstation2 adapter works properly in Mac OS X) and the third party driver for my SoundBlaster Extigy (needed because for some reason, Mac OS X will not boot with the Extigy connected, and will freeze if I plug in the Extigy, all because the device receives an AC-3 5.1 audio stream over USB in addition to PCM like other USB sound cards. And the Mac USB Audio driver is so kludgey that it crashes the system if a USB sound card transmits an answer that reads anything other than "PCM only").

But if these two drivers were to become unsupported in Mac OS X Mountain Lion, they could very well do what those Hackintosh support drivers did with Lion. Plus, when I upgraded to Mountain Lion, I had to wait almost 4-5 months for the OkiData C3300N Color Laser printer to become supported.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Here are my plans for the Wii U.

I am going to wait until "New Super Mario Bros Wii U" is released, and also until I have enough money. Closest opportunity to get one will be Black Friday, but since it will be released about a week before that day, it could be sold out by the time we get to Mitchell.

Then again, I may wait a few years to upgrade since I only have had Elsie since last July. Plus, she can play GC discs while newer Wiis and the Wii U can't.

There are so many things that I want besides a Wii U....a Retron3 Portable system, a GBA SP, a Nintendo 3DS, a region-free BluRay player with USB support, maybe a slightly larger HDTV (Anna-Lena v3!), and the list goes on.

Maybe I should focus on more storage space first. I need another DVD rack as my current one is filled, and I have to store the rest in what is supposed to be my dresser.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Almost one week since her last visit. I wonder...
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]

Oh, man. I should fire up Pidgin and see if she's online...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I just need to troll this

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _keyboard/</a><!-- m -->

<sarcasm>iPhone 5 has onboard laser keyboard and holographic projector? Sign me up!</sarcasm>

Seriously, this just shows how stupid and gullible Fox is. Murdoch is a bumbaclot who's best taken off the face of this Earth - primarily for supporting SOPA, PIPA and ACTA, but also for propagating lies like these.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Now every time I login here, whenever I go to the front page (Board Index) I got automatically logged out. In order to be able to post I have to open a thread in a different tab, login, close the login tab, and refresh this tab. Anybody experience this too?
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
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