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The Spam Thread!
cpd2009 Wrote:Greta comes with CyberLink MediaEspresso, and it can easily convert my AVI files to MP4s.
CyberLink MediaEspresso? I just use AVIDemux Tongue

But yeah, planned obsolesce. One of the downpoint of owning an Apple device. Granted, computers are not as badly affected compared to iDevices. A four year old Mac Mini can't run the latest OS X, but it still can run the latest Linux.

Still, Kiki's good. She can't run games very well, but that wasn't my intention. I was bummed when I found out I can't swap out her Sandy Bridge CPU for a Ivy Bridge CPU tho, but it's okay. She's can still serve her original functions of syncing my iPad and letting me dive into iProgramming. And when her time runs out and Apple writes her off, I may think of shoving Linux onto her and use her as a server. For Eva however, her time is rapidly running out. However, it just occured to me that once she becomes completely unsupported, jailbreaking her is now an option :twisted: And then I can start looking into installing Android on her. Some people claim that they've succeeded in putting Android on an iPad, I want to see that happening too. As it stands, I'm waiting to see if there will be a "New iPad 2" (aka iPad 4) coming in October. A new iPad was on my want list, and I did see the day coming, but then two things got into my way: ponies, and then announcement of the "New iPad 2", said to be due with the iPhone 5.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
cpd2009 Wrote:Greta comes with CyberLink MediaEspresso, and it can easily convert my AVI files to MP4s.
CyberLink MediaEspresso? I just use AVIDemux Tongue

But yeah, planned obsolesce. One of the downpoint of owning an Apple device. Granted, computers are not as badly affected compared to iDevices. A four year old Mac Mini can't run the latest OS X, but it still can run the latest Linux.

I just think AVIDemux is far too advanced for my needs. I just want to use something easy, and CyberLink MediaEspresso fits that description.

And, David, I still don't know whether or not it's alright for me to refer to my old tablet by her name, as to not upset you.

I should have mentioned this in my long ramble, but I would like you and Blake and whoever else here to suggest what one of the four options I should consider. It's my own decision, but I could use some help in making it and to ensure I don't end up making one decision and regretting it later.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:And, David, I still don't know whether or not it's alright for me to refer to my old tablet by her name, as to not upset you.
No, it's fine. I can live. I've gotten over it now.

AS for the suggestion, well, keep her as she is. And when the time comes, take option four. Her 500GB hard disk, coupled with XBMC, will do an excellent job of having her run as a NAS + Media Center box.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Alright. I was just searching for photos of dogs on Flickr, and guess what comes up in the search results?

In the simplest way possible without saying the actual word of what I found, it's "adult content". Yeah. "Adult content" that I believe has no place in search results that are barely related to my search term AT ALL.

In any case, I do what I always do when search results like this show their ugly face to me....I fire up Opera on Greta, disable all webpage images from downloading, re-create my search term, locate said photos, and flag them so they will be omitted from searches involving dogs. This way, I can report said images without contaminating her hard drive with cached images of said adult content.

Sadly, I searched the Flickr help forums, and apparently Yahoo allows this JUNK to be uploaded according to some. However, I have reported people like this in the past, and their accounts were banned. :?:

In any case, whenever I get adult content shoved in my face, I feel sick and disturbed, especially on a site such as Flickr, which is a very good place to share photos, and has millions of users who post warm, cute, inspirational photos. Some times I even think of leaving Flickr for some other site like SmugMug.

Geez, even on sites like Flickr, a certain rule of the internet LOVES to shove it's ugly photos on my monitor.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Rule 34 can be quite a pain indeed.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
I decided to take a gander at the reviews of Mac OSX Mountain Lion in the App Store...and there are a lot of negative ones. Apparently AirPlay Mirroring, which is one of Mountain Lion's new features, doesn't work on any Mac that is over a year old or so.

Reading reviews can help to see if any people have issues with the upgrade, and I'm searching for ones pertaining to the Mac Mini mid-2011. Google Searches didn't turn up too many spot-on results, and the spot-on results I did get were from the Apple Discussion Boards. Not too many issues, but one complained that the Mini would reboot itself when you tried to shut down.

I am tempting fate here, but I hope Lilly's eventual Mountain Lion upgrade will go smoothly. If not, it will be a huge letdown. Even if the upgrade is $20, it becomes expensive if the upgrade you buy doesn't work. If it doesn't work, I may just go back to Lion. And maybe turn Lilly into that home theater box and digitize all my DVDs.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Well, it worked fine on my Hackintosh, most of the stability issues can be attributed to how I installed it.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Well, the reboot-on-shutdown thing may be a BSD kernel problem. Maxwell does that all the time that shutting him down now involves getting him to display a "system halted, press any key to reboot" prompt, then quickly powering off the UPS.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Here is something that will light this forum up...and not in a bad way either.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... cking/all/</a><!-- m -->

In short....this is another good reason for me to stay away from the cloud as my primary means of data storage. Nothing is better than having your data on a physical medium that is readily accessible without the need for an internet connection, nor the worry that hackers may break in and delete all your data if it were stored on the cloud.

I do have a Dropbox account, but it was only used for my summer college courses.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
I read about it. But Idk. I need to use the cloud as a mean of getting around Apple's lockdown on Eva by means of Dropbox, and I keep my MLP wishlist and "pony register" on Google Docs. Actually, most of my computers (save Cleo and Maxwell, for which there's no Dropbox client available) are linked through Dropbox- it's just convenient for me to do so. However, for gigabyte-sized video files going between Cleo and Helen, they don't go into the cloud for obvious reasons.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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