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[Image: 2qly3w2.jpg]
huckleberrypie Wrote:Yeah, never actually considered about buying a PS2 controller and an adapter for it. And now I have two dual-analog controllers at home. Troll
Case in point: I feel like buying a Nerf gun now, just because I feel that the Knock-Stick of Great Justice will not provide good long distance protection against rogue ninjas.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Stella Grapes Wrote:
[Image: 2qly3w2.jpg]

Aww, that's cute! Smile

As for Anna-Lena II....tomorrow is the day! Im already preparing for her arrival since I will be in class all day tomorrow for the most part, and I will have little time between classes to move things around, so Im moving all the AV equipment around now. That means switching to an all new stand I bought last week. Anna-Lena's current cart is very old, and it's starting to crack along a couple edges.

Initially, my DVD/VCR (from this point forth to be named "Kipper") will be connected via component since I won't be able to get an HDMI cable until March rolls around keeping true to not spending any of my money. (I could have grouped the cable purchases into the main TV purchases, but I forgot to add the cables at checkout). When I do get an HDMI cable though, I won't get suckered in to buying the overpriced "Monster" brand cables. I will instead get a pair of value cables from TigerDirect in March. I also need to get a Wii Component cable as well as a component switchbox too since Anna-Lena II will have only one Component input.

(edit: said stand was originally meant to sit by my main computer center, where Lilly is at, so I could place Wendell next to me. However, I am not setting Anna-Lena II on that old cart for reasons outlined above, so I have to sacrifice Wendell's table for Anna-Lena II)
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:When I do get an HDMI cable though, I won't get suckered in to buying the overpriced "Monster" brand cables. I will instead get a pair of value cables from TigerDirect in March.
It's not just about that, though. You also need to make sure the HDMI cables you're getting meets the specification of the device. For 1080i video, I reckon a HDMI cable supporting the HDMI 1.2 specification would be good enough. You don't need HDMI 1.3 unless you're going for a deep-color LCD panel or LED panel TV (and perhaps 1080i 3D), and HDMI 1.4 if you're going for Full-HD 3D and HDMI-over-ethernet (which nothing supports yet).
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
cpd2009 Wrote:When I do get an HDMI cable though, I won't get suckered in to buying the overpriced "Monster" brand cables. I will instead get a pair of value cables from TigerDirect in March.
It's not just about that, though. You also need to make sure the HDMI cables you're getting meets the specification of the device. For 1080i video, I recommend a HDMI cable supporting the HDMI 1.2 specification. You don't need anything newer unless you're going for 1080p 3D on a Smart TV with a deep-color LCD display that uses HDMI for Ethernet as well.

I'll take note of that. Though according to Wikipedia, HDMI 1.0 through 1.2 supports a resolution of 1920x1200 at 60fps. Since Anna-Lena II is only 720p, I will just output stuff at that resolution since anything else is downscaled anyway. Smile So in theory, it shouldn't matter what version of cable I use. Nevertheless, I should easily obtain a v1.2 or v1.3 cable.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:I'll take note of that. Most HDMI cables that are being sold right now should support HDMI 1.2.
Well, what I'm trying to point out is, 1.2 cables tend to be dirt-cheap nowadays. 1.3 tends to be comparably more expensive, and 1.4 is the most expensive of the bunch. Unless your TV can make use of the extra features, you don't need the more expensive cable.

I just bought a 1.4 cable and hooked Jess up to it. The other end of the cable will go to Quetzal III. From the looks of it tho, Berlioz also supports 1.4 and I'll need to get another one. No biggie, those just cost me around US$5 Tongue

If a 1.4 cable costs US$5, imagine how much a 1.2 cable will cost. I'm betting a dollar for a 3-feet long coil Tongue
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
cpd2009 Wrote:I'll take note of that. Most HDMI cables that are being sold right now should support HDMI 1.2.
Well, what I'm trying to point out is, 1.2 cables tend to be dirt-cheap nowadays. 1.3 tends to be comparably more expensive, and 1.4 is the most expensive of the bunch. Unless your TV can make use of the extra features, you don't need the more expensive cable.

I just bought a 1.4 cable and hooked Jess up to it. The other end of the cable will go to Quetzal III. From the looks of it tho, Berlioz also supports 1.4 and I'll need to get another one. No biggie, those just cost me US$5 Tongue

Interesting...I edited my post while you replied to the same message before I edited it to clarify a few things. Tongue
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:Interesting...I edited my post while you replied to the same message before I edited it to clarify a few things. Tongue
Tongue But anyways, yeah. Don't let the bigger shops fool you. Not only you don't need Monster cables, 1.2 is all you need since you're not going for Full HD 3D and the TV is unlikely to have a deep color ready LCD panel.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I guess I have to post anything just so nobody will think I'm in trouble or worse. Tongue

Anyway, almost weekend again.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Pictures of Anna-Lena II coming soon! Currently testing various things like HD quality, SD quality, etc...

In other news, Team Chelco has arrived as well. I needed a cheap cassette player so I could transfer tapes to digital formats, so I ordered a small "Chelco" tape recorder a couple weeks ago before I nuked nearly two months budget for Anna-Lena II. Along with it, a small "Chelco" boombox as well. Reason? I believe these are brand new tape player things from the mid 1980s being sold for rock bottom prices!

Sometimes I wonder if I am misusing my student loan for this. Here is how it works. The student loan goes to the university and pays for your tuition. Whatever is left over after tuition is paid is refunded back to the student for their own use.

I read various sources saying that you should only use these refunds for things related to your college education, but I did ask higher ups about this, and they say you can essentially spend it on whatever you want, as long as you make it last throughout the semester, and I shouldn't have to worry about spending it however I want.

Here is the thing's a federal loan. I remember reading in the loan document that I would have to pay back the loan immediately if I didn't use it primarily for college expenses. Im not sure if that pertains to the loan itself and excludes any refunds you may get or what, but the other higher ups I asked about it told me not to worry. A good portion of it did pay for my tuition, and outside of Kipper, Fluttershy, and Anna-Lena II, I have spent it on supporting myself with eating out so I won't go hungry as well as small minor things like new controllers for my Retron3 and new furniture for my dorm room.

Maybe I'm worrying too much again. Like all loans, I will eventually have to pay this back. And I'm probably not the only student here who uses their federal loan refunds for their own use. (they probably blow it all in several weeks for things like overpriced "Beats by Dr. Dre" headphones and whatnot)
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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