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The Spam Thread!
Look, don't get too down over the "supposed" change in tone of MLP:FiM. Jayson Thiesson, the supervising director, was recently at a convention in New York, and someone wrote up his comments from a panel, which includes this relevant bit of information:
Quote:He's adamant about not changing the show to suit "our" tastes; he firmly believes that if the show exactly as it is is what we fell in love with, then by God they're going to keep making that show.
You can read the whole thing over here; there's really some interesting information.
Don't let fan speculation ruin your perception of the show. True, there's a lot of fun fanon out there, but remember that it is simply that. Nothing that doesn't happen on the show is canon, no matter how pervasive it may be in the fandom.
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
Evalana Wrote:Look, don't get too down over the "supposed" change in tone of MLP:FiM. Jayson Thiesson, the supervising director, was recently at a convention in New York, and someone wrote up his comments from a panel, which includes this relevant bit of information
If anything, the outcome of the interview only confirmed my worst fears.


But as I said, I'm only a minority along with the toddlers and kids now. Their new target demographic, the "bronies", wanted all that, and they're going to get it, and I'm not going to get what I want. The fact that I have limited ability to voice out my protest because I cannot get the show due to the fact that no Pay TV providers carrying Boomerang in Malaysia certainly doesn't help. Saying I watch the show on Youtube directly into Hasbro's face would be suicide.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
David, plenty of children like good versus evil. That's what the original My Little Pony had. Anyway, I concur with Angel in thinking Friendship is Magic is probably going to remain mainly slice-of-life.

I saw the Lite Sprites special. It was cute, if very short at only eleven minutes. Astra was my favorite, not just because of her name and element. The end where she finally answered a question asked near the beginning is what sealed her position as my favorite. Astra reminds me more of Jacqueline (my wonderful mother-in-law, who unfortunately passed away) than she does myself. The similarities are partially because of the character's quirks and partially because she looks a lot like Jacqueline did, even though I never saw Jackie in pigtails and can't quite imagine that.

[Image: 2dl6wir.jpg]
Stella Grapes Wrote:David, plenty of children like good versus evil. That's what the original My Little Pony had.
I guess. Guess I was just different. Since I was the only one sent hiding under the kitchen table.

Stella Grapes Wrote:Anyway, I concur with Angel in thinking Friendship is Magic is probably going to remain mainly slice-of-life.
That's not what that interview implied.

In any case, I guess I lucked out on slice-of-life type shows.

Maybe Animal Crossing will accept me back. But then I haven't played in a year. Surely my town is a wreck by now. And I don't intend to start on the plushes. You try getting an Eloise, Goldie or Portia!
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Stella Grapes Wrote:Anyway, I concur with Angel in thinking Friendship is Magic is probably going to remain mainly slice-of-life.
That's not what that interview implied.
The interview is too long for me to want to bother with. I think you may have misunderstood, considering the segment Evalana quoted. What about the interview tells you otherwise?
Stella Grapes Wrote:The interview is too long for me to want to bother with. I think you may have misunderstood, considering the segment Evalana quoted. What about the interview tells you otherwise?

Quote:There's a "scary" episode on the way.
Quote:"There is a new villain." (He put on an "oh shit" expression right after this, like he legitimately didn't mean to let that slip out.)

Nothing lasts forever, I guess... G*****N stupid song!
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Stella Grapes Wrote:I saw the Lite Sprites special. It was cute, if very short at only eleven minutes. Astra was my favorite, not just because of her name and element. The end where she finally answered a question asked near the beginning is what sealed her position as my favorite.
Astra is my second favorite after Bleak, mostly because she's adorable and, I admit, I'm a sucker for characters with a star-theme.
[Image: vlcsnap-2011-09-19-20h20m57s173.png]
Bleak's my favorite because she was pretty much voicing my thoughts throughout the whole special. And because I think about these things way too hard sometimes, I've come to the conclusion that Bleak was friends with the other sprites individually before Prisma brought them together as a group. She's fine with them one-on-one, but all together is a bit more than she can take.
[Image: vlcsnap-2011-09-19-20h22m18s217.png]

Ramchyld, re: MLPFiM season two, you have the opposite problem from most folks I know. Rather than getting your hopes up and setting your expectations too high, you set them way too low. Yes, there'll be one scary episode, and yes, a villain will appear for (probably) one episode. That's two episodes out of twenty four, leaving you with approximately 22 episodes that will no doubt be the same quality as the episodes you know and love. Don't know if you've heard the summary for the next episode, and I'll spoiler it for those who don't want to know, but I think you'll find it sounds pretty darn slice of lifey: Hyper-organized Twilight panics when she can’t find a lesson about friendship for her weekly letter to Princess Celestia.
Out of curiosity, what episodes would you consider your top three favorites, and why?
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
Evalana Wrote:you have the opposite problem from most folks I know. Rather than getting your hopes up and setting your expectations too high, you set them way too low.
Well, after all the things I've read, I've decided I didn't want to keep my hope up anymore.

Evalana Wrote:Yes, there'll be one scary episode, and yes, a villain will appear for (probably) one episode.
Recurring and one-off contradicts each other, tho. I'm confused now.

Evalana Wrote:Hyper-organized Twilight panics when she can’t find a lesson about friendship for her weekly letter to Princess Celestia.
Well, I am aware, but unless they're not following Lauren Faust's writing style, what's to say a monster wouldn't appear and take advantage of the situation? Didn't I see something like this somewhere?

Evalana Wrote:Out of curiosity, what episodes would you consider your top three favorites, and why?
The Ticket Master, Applebuck Season, and The Cutie Mark Chronicles. These episode sorta reminds me of Arthur. And they didn't cause my paranoia fuse to trip, so all's good.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Alright, well I did see the first part of the season two MLP:FIM season opener, and I enjoyed it. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I saw season one proper, but I can do that this weekend. As for Discord, well, he is a little bit creepy, and he reminded me of Him from the Powerpuff Girls (not surprised). I got over it though as the episode progressed. I actually like the choice of voice actor for Discord, who fits his character really well. Despite Discord turning all the Ponies' personalities the other way around and other evil things, I sort of like him, mainly because of the excellent choice of voice actor. Too bad they didn't list his VA on the episodes end credits, at least on part one.

Is it ever okay to like a villain though? If there was a pony I like from MLP:FIM, it would have to be Rainbow Dash, but it's too early to pass final judgement on which Ponies that I like.

EDIT: Never mind the villian question. Read an earlier post by Grapes. Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Well, you fit right in there with the other "bronies". Rainbow Dash is the most popular among them due to her attitude.

And well, each for his own. I was trying to reason with myself again while driving out for lunch, and the point that I could just use my figures to act out adventures of my liking instead of watching the TV show popped back out. That said, I think I can forego the rest of the series and act out my preferred story styles with the playsets, and for more interesting scenes, GMod.

I just really want a slice of life show I can stick to after losing Humf and Spot tho. Guess this show is not it. I should've seen it coming from miles away. I should've seen the fact that Bijou is Diamond Tiara as an ominous warning. But the fact that Fluttershy is similar to Madeline in many ways (including having very similar voices and sharing the same VA) and that I have good experiences with G3 and Tales blinded me. Ah, well.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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