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The Spam Thread!
Angel Wrote:I think the color of your name tends to bring focus to the one with a similar hair color and makes it obvious who you are,
Stella Grapes Wrote:I agree with Angel.
Ok I see the point. Then what if my forum name doesn't imply any color like, say, BladeGrip? (This is my nickname in most other online games/forums)

And just noticed that my avy and my title fits each other well. :3
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Ok I see the point. Then what if my forum name doesn't imply any color like, say, BladeGrip? (This is my nickname in most other online games/forums)

Well, then I wouldn't know. Oh well, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.
For all we know, they may not even know that one of the characters is supposed to be you, and just think it's characters from some show they've never seen.
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
I am opting out of the race. Although my health is much better than it was, the progression is a slow one and I still am not healthy enough to train. Running would probably just end in disaster.

Someday I'll have a trophy for this sport. There are times it seems like that trophy will be the 3rd Place For Females 75 & Older trophy. Even if it is, at least the long story behind earning it will show I never gave up!
Good decision. The lives inside you are more important.
Evalana Wrote:For all we know, they may not even know that one of the characters is supposed to be you, and just think it's characters from some show they've never seen.
Oh yeah, good point.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Stella Grapes Wrote:I am opting out of the race. Although my health is much better than it was, the progression is a slow one and I still am not healthy enough to train. Running would probably just end in disaster.

Someday I'll have a trophy for this sport. There are times it seems like that trophy will be the 3rd Place For Females 75 & Older trophy. Even if it is, at least the long story behind earning it will show I never gave up!
Excellent decision, Prue. Those babies are of extremely high priority. That marathon will come again next year, but these babies are precious. And pushing yourself can't be good for them.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Oh goodness, I've never run a marathon! I can't see that ever being a physical possibility. I've ran (read: ran, and then walked and panted and whined about all the people in the buildings I was passing who weren't running) half-marathons, never a full marathon. This is only a 5 kilometer race I'm opting out of!

I would give my own life for my treasured babies. You should know there is no way I'll risk anything happening to them. Promise.
Lilly is here!! Smile
[Image: 6187091674_7380169c7c.jpg]
Almost forgot... by cpd2005, on Flickr

[Image: 6187077878_21348900be.jpg]
New Desktop by cpd2005, on Flickr

Official Birthdate: September 26th, 2011 at around 5:15pm or so.

However, I got a little scared earlier when I went to pick her up from the college production center. (aka, the mail room) When I arrived, they showed me a box, but it was just in shambles, like it got crushed. It was big enough to contain both the Apple keyboard and Lilly, so I thought both were inside. When I opened it up though, my heart sank. Only thing inside was the Apple keyboard and lots of air bubble wrap. I had sudden thoughts that someone opened that box and stole Lilly!

Out of desperation (though I was still calm), I asked if they got any other packages from Apple. The lady then looked at a stack of packages next to the tattered one, and there were two more in much better with Lilly herself and the other one with the MiniDisplayPort to DVI monitor adapter. I was relieved when I saw them, and the boxes were in perfect shape. As for the Apple keyboard, it survived. The shipping box may have been tattered, but the keyboard packaging itself was intact. Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
man, the Mac Mini box is small...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
How small is a Mac Mini? See Lilly in comparison with old, tired Jasper.
[Image: 6187077308_1e93fbb08f.jpg]
Old Vs New part II by cpd2005, on Flickr

That weird reflection on the Mini is from the window. I didn't take off the protective plastic yet when the photo was taken.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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