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The Spam Thread!
RAMChYLD Wrote:My experience with the Windows 8 preview wasn't that good...

* huckleberrypie goes to the toilet to hurl.

My experience with Metro also sucked. They should've made that thing an option or something that can be toggled rather than shove the whole WinMo-styled launcher on everyone's faces.

We all know that there are still a lot of people who are still used to "how things worked back in 1995", right?
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Good news: I should be able to order Lilly (aka New Mac Mini) sometime this coming week.

Bad news: Pinch (my little MP4 player) has apparently died. Last thing I did with her was transfer an FM radio recording to Jasper, and she was sitting idle when I disconnected her. Usually when you disconnect her, a "Generating Playlists" progress bar appears and slowly goes from start to finish before going to the main menu. However, this time, the "Generating Playlists" bar was frozen at almost full with nothing happening. I then toggled her main On/Off switch, and then attempted to turn her back on. Nothing. Just a blank screen with nothing happening. Completely dead.

Fortunately, I haven't lost any of my music. My music library resides on Jasper, and is the most current. Her 8GB MicroSD card is also safe. What I have lost however are the custom made desktop and shutdown pictures I created for her earlier this year.

Im going to leave her sitting all night with her main switch off and try to see if she will come to in the morning. If not, Jelly will become my main music player (Jelly was used for video stuff). As for a replacement for Pinch, I will have to see.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Today my father turns 52 years old and he catered lunch for every single person in the office building.

Someday I'll do just the thing as well.

He sounds like a sweet man. =)

I had a dream last night about a new Strawberry Shortcake DVD. The DVD was called Green With Envy. Strawberryland was without explanation, in this DVD, a pueblo community that used an intercom system to send out announcements.

The first episode was a remake of Lights Camera in which Strawberry herself had short green hair and was mean. There was also a girl with long peach colored hair who wasn't Peach Streusel, and there was another girl who appeared to be a preteen Cherry Cuddler. They sat around with Orange Blossom and talked about how rude Strawberry was. Angel Cake and Blueberry Muffin cried because Strawberry pushed them off their seats to steal their food. It was strange. Somehow, they made their movie despite this.

The second episode was sort of about Sour Grapes and Somnus' wedding. I think I woke up before the episode finished. The pueblos were still pueblos. Strawberry, however, was back to normal. It was now Blueberry who had (long) green hair and was being mean, and Watermelon Kiss said she didn't know what was going on but that she didn't want green to be the new purple.

Sour Grapes announced over the intercom that she was getting married, and despite the kids having seen Somnus while leaving the theater after the last episode and despite having known him since, they forgot who he was. Huckleberry Pie said, "He's the guy who sneaks in our rooms to leave us pieces of cheese and wedding cake sometimes!"

Um, what? :lol:

This apparently caused the girls to remember Somnus, because apparently Somnus did that for no reason in Strawberry Pueblo Land Version. Then Angel Cake became upset because she misunderstood and had the impression that this implied he was making his own wedding cake, and she wanted to be the one to make the wedding cake. At least Angel Cake was in-character. That was about all of it. I woke up then.

Do you know what did not make sense, besides most everything? The title of the DVD did not make sense. The characters who had green hair and transformed into bullies were not the envious characters.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Protip: Never tempt fate.

I tempted fate, and now Season 2 of FIM has a permanent villain Sad
You needn't worry, Discord isn't a season-long villain. For one thing, the two episodes he's in are actually part of season one, but where saved to open season two. Probably because it's a two-parter. Makes me wonder if they'll keep this trend for however many seasons FiM ends up getting.
And if it makes you feel any better, he's basically Q from Star Trek Next Generation, even down to being voiced by John de Lancie. Plus:
[Image: iYzcf.gif]
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
early to work this morning...

As for Discord, well, TVTropes seem to imply he is. Look under WMG - it says that WordOfGod said that there will be a permanent villain for S2. I assume that Discord is it.

Alright. All this is actually because I'm trying to console myself for not being able to watch the show. As mentioned thousand of times before, I can't get Boomerang here in Malaysia because the Pay TV providers here are just vapid, and it hurts me to know that every other country in Asia already has the channel. Learning that all 3 shows I really badly want to watch have gone to Boomerang is upsetting to me.

Megaupload? The Malaysian Government is blocking it among 10 other filesharing sites and BitTorrent. Yeah, it can be bypassed on most ISPs, but bypassing doesn't feel right. Youtube is my only option, and i live in fear that either Hasbro or the trolls will totally ruin things for me, given that either Hasbro themselves or trolls have resulted in the removal of tons of episodes, if not being broken up into multi-parters because the reuploaders don't have a trusted account, over the last few months.

Btw, that message was a piece of advice for Sandy, and provided an example.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Megaupload? The Malaysian Government is blocking it among 10 other filesharing sites and BitTorrent. Yeah, it can be bypassed on most ISPs, but bypassing doesn't feel right. Youtube is my only option, and i live in fear that Hasbro or the trolls will totally ruin things for me, given that trolls have resulted in the removal of tons of episodes, if not being broken up into multi-parters because the reuploaders don't have a trusted account, over the last few months.

[Image: Motivator+-+Censorship.jpg]
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Stella Grapes Wrote:I had a dream last night about a new Strawberry Shortcake DVD. The DVD was called Green With Envy
Sounds like a great DVD to MiST about how off-character the characters were and cry RuinedForever and JumpedTheShark to Tongue

huckleberrypie Wrote:[Image: Motivator+-+Censorship.jpg]
+100000, although the last problem isn't so much as a censorship problem as a troll+false claim problem.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Gawsh, you all. Hugs. The dreams are weird, RAM's avatar is thank gawsh I have ADBLOCK level weird, and it's great to see that some new people are apparently joining the forum. I recently got a Dreamcast and have been enjoying building a decent collection and of course playing the games that the old Sega system has to offer.

Other than that, Terraria, RPing, and Minecraft tend to steal a lot of my life.. but I always have time to throw Strawberry Shortcake into the mix. Been avataring her almost exclusively lately.. trying to force her into everything I do.

Avoiding for the moment, new MLP episodes. The fandom makes me exhausted so quickly, and can sometimes drive me to want to never again turn it on. Of course though, I shouldn't base myself liking something on other people's opinions. I really do like it on it's own, I just can't mingle with bronies the way I can mingle with Strawberry fans.

I've finally converted to liking the new Strawberry Shortcake as well, I can't wait for the comic books to become available to me!
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Angel Wrote:RAM's avatar is thank gawsh I have ADBLOCK level weird
It's that bad? Tongue I created that as a spray for Team Fortress 2. If you think that one's weird, you haven't seen my "Rainbow Crash" one. Your head will a-splode if you see it!

Angel Wrote:Avoiding for the moment, new MLP episodes.
I, well, ColdTurkeys. Which resulted in HypeAversion. The WordOfGod permanent villain thing on TVTropes just gave me an excuse to use in public.

Angel Wrote:I've finally converted to liking the new Strawberry Shortcake as well, I can't wait for the comic books to become available to me!
I'm still waiting for the last two DVD volumes (we get that, along with DVD releases of AiCAL, as consolation for not being able to get Boomerang on PayTV. The catch: Slow release. It's been nine months and they're still two volumes short) before I hold a marathon and force all 26-episode down my head in one go. It's sad that by the time the last volume comes out tho, season 2 would have just about finished airing in the US :/
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Angel Wrote:Avoiding for the moment, new MLP episodes. The fandom makes me exhausted so quickly, and can sometimes drive me to want to never again turn it on. Of course though, I shouldn't base myself liking something on other people's opinions. I really do like it on its own, I just can't mingle with bronies the way I can mingle with Strawberry fans.
I know what you mean. For the most part, I get my fill of the fandom by going to Equestria Daily.

Angel Wrote:I've finally converted to liking the new Strawberry Shortcake as well, I can't wait for the comic books to become available to me!
I know, right! Especially since Mimi-Na is one of the main artists. I love her style.
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
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