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The Spam Thread!
I'm sorry for nearly rejecting you earlier this year. I deeply regret it now. I realize that you are still very useful to me, and can do things far faster than Audrey can. I'm not sure why I bought Audrey. Perhaps on impulse I guess, but at the time I should have just went and installed Windows via Boot Camp. I'm not even sure why I went into that Anti-Apple phase this last fall. Maybe it was because of all the attention the media gave to those iPhones that bent. Apple isn't a perfect company, but neither is Microsoft or Samsung or Acer, or any computer company. I shouldn't have let that anti-Apple mindset invade my brain.

I can't lie. Audrey has been a wonderful companion too, but you recently showed me Audrey simply isn't fast enough. I must now ponder her future, and I think I already have a plan.

I just have to say... Merry Christmas, Lilly. Welcome back! Smile

I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Well, since Lilly is now going to be my new Media PC after Christmas, what will become of Audrey?

She is going to be a late Christmas gift for my aunt. She really could use a new PC since her current PC is very old. Pentium D running Windows 7, with only 1gb RAM. Sad

Her family doesn't use it for much outside of occasional Internet and casual gaming, so her entry-level CPU won't be a problem. It will be a very nice late Christmas gift for her, I'm sure of it.

After all of this, I am still going after that KVM switch. This time, it will switch between Lilly and Jasper. Jasper has been sitting unplugged for quite some time, and he can certainly be the music PC. I can't find a good equivalent to either Winamp or UltraPlayer on Mac and though I'm no longer anti-Apple I don't want to use iTunes.

I will feel a bit sad leaving Audrey behind, but I made a mistake when I bought her. I should have just went with Lilly using OSX Boot Camp from the start.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:Maybe it was because of all the attention the media gave to those iPhones that bent. Apple isn't a perfect company, but neither is Microsoft or Samsung or Acer, or any computer company. I shouldn't have let that anti-Apple mindset invade my brain.

Everyone is so mean to Apple! I love them! They certainly at least understand how to make something visually appealing and attractive!

cpd2009 Wrote:She really could use a new PC since her current PC is very old.

My mom could use a new PC too. I was hanging out with her and she is being forced to use an old laptop with a half-broken screen. I wish I could buy her one. ;-;

My sister is making fun of me of being in the spirit and listening to Pandora Christmas station. Bah Humbug she says. Hehe.

My mom bought me a TOY. From SOFIA THE FIRST. Seriously. This is a huge thing for me. I mean it was just a small toy. But like. This is the kind of thing that 7 years ago she would have thrown away. That maybe even just 3 years ago she would have been.. ugh about me getting even if she knew I wasn't going to stop. It really does feel like she's fully accepted me. It.. means a lot.
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Angel Wrote:Everyone is so mean to Apple! I love them! They certainly at least understand how to make something visually appealing and attractive!
Indeed. I tried the latest version of OSX, named Yosemite, and it's wonderful. And I can also use Windows on Lilly as well thanks to Apple's Boot Camp software. It's rather advanced though.

Angel Wrote:My mom could use a new PC too. I was hanging out with her and she is being forced to use an old laptop with a half-broken screen. I wish I could buy her one. ;-;
Here's hoping she can get a new one for Christmas from Santa or a friend. Smile

Angel Wrote:My sister is making fun of me of being in the spirit and listening to Pandora Christmas station. Bah Humbug she says. Hehe.
I had Christmas music overload earlier today. It's not that I got tired of Christmas music, it's that I had so many choices and so many different programs on, whether it be on the local FM or streaming online. I finally settled down in late evening and watched The Poky Little Puppy's First Christmas. Such a wonderful little cartoon that doesn't get the love or respect it deserves.

Angel Wrote:My mom bought me a TOY. From SOFIA THE FIRST. Seriously. This is a huge thing for me. I mean it was just a small toy. But like. This is the kind of thing that 7 years ago she would have thrown away. That maybe even just 3 years ago she would have been.. ugh about me getting even if she knew I wasn't going to stop. It really does feel like she's fully accepted me. It.. means a lot.
That's really cool to hear. I know in the past my own Dad questioned why I was buying an SSC DVD or similar, but my Mom has no problem with that.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
That's a start, Angel, glad your folks are starting to feel OK about them girly toys. Mine are more or less fine with my American Girl doll, though they do tease or berate me from time to time, I'm afraid.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Well, glad everyone's happy.

I'm going to sleep now.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
huckleberrypie Wrote:That's a start, Angel, glad your folks are starting to feel OK about them girly toys. Mine are more or less fine with my American Girl doll, though they do tease or berate me from time to time, I'm afraid.
I'm more worried about the reaction of townsfolk than parents. See, I live in a very conservative state, and if people knew I was into MLP:FIM or SSC, they would label me a grave sinner or a "leftist freak" or some similar thing. Far-right conservatives want to keep gender stereotypes in place because it's "the American Way". It may have been the American Way back in the 1950s. Not today I'm afraid.

Anyway, I got my Christmas presents today and I shall share those a little later this afternoon.

Late last night, I gave Lilly a Christmas gift. The gift of activated Windows. I had to call the MS Activation Line at 2:45am in the morning and enter in a 30+ digit ID, but her Windows install is fully activated. After Christmas, I begin the process of switching my systems around.

Merry Christmas everyone! Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:I'm more worried about the reaction of townsfolk than parents. See, I live in a very conservative state, and if people knew I was into MLP:FIM or SSC, they would label me a grave sinner or a "leftist freak" or some similar thing. Far-right conservatives want to keep gender stereotypes in place because it's "the American Way". It may have been the American Way back in the 1950s. Not today I'm afraid.

Anyway, I got my Christmas presents today and I shall share those a little later this afternoon.

Late last night, I gave Lilly a Christmas gift. The gift of activated Windows. I had to call the MS Activation Line at 2:45am in the morning and enter in a 30+ digit ID, but her Windows install is fully activated. After Christmas, I begin the process of switching my systems around.

Merry Christmas everyone! Smile

I've never got anything other then odd looks from townsfolk when buying my adorable pink-aisle toys myself. ^_^ I understand being worried though. I've only lived in conservative leaning states myself too. I had to accept that I'll be known as the "tranny" in my town. I just want my parents to love and accept me.

I'm going to take a picture of my present stash soon. Still trying to get used to being home. Hehe.
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
[Image: DSCF1342_low.jpg]
ColecoVision and Intellivision classic plug n' play consoles, Queen Anne Cherry Cordials, and...

[Image: DSCF1343_low.jpg]
New Shoes! Inside the box (the little red thing) is a McDonald's Gift Card with two free small McCafe drinks. Smile

Not pictured is the meat and cheese snacks, stuffed in the fridge well hidden.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Well, Christmas has come and gone again, and I'm not so sad about that this year. Maybe it's because Christmas just comes as quickly as it leaves.

I do have a few regrets. Perhaps I should listen to one source of Christmas music instead of trying to listen and actually record three. Since the local FM Christmas show is basically the same thing year after year, I shall focus on streaming stations here on out. Too bad we live too far from the oldies station as I could have just switched to that.

I also regret not setting a DVR timer for the Disney Christmas Parade. Why I didn't, I don't know. I just read the description on the ABC site, and it sounded awesome. It centered around the Frozen movie, and they renamed the parade to "Frozen Christmas Celebration" as they simply had to let the old name go. </rimshot>

Yeah, bad joke, I know. But, I must look forward to 2015, when we will finally receive flying cars, self lacing shoes, small cookie shaped pizzas you rehydrate into full size pizzas, hoverboards and holographic films!! The future is now! Get ready folks!!

I wish what I said above were real inventions. Just imagine, cookie sized pizza turning into full size pizza.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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