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The Spam Thread!
Firstly, Angel, we miss you! Smile

Secondly, Greta, my loyal Gateway laptop, is quickly approaching her second birthday on May 7th. Not sure what to get her for a gift. Maybe I'll finally have enough money to get that RAM upgrade for her? Then again, she is still getting along with just 4gb RAM.

How about Windows 8.1? They do have a good Facebook App for Windows 8, but then again, Windows 7 runs just as well, even though Gateway hasn't really put out any driver updates for it.

Hard drive, perhaps? Could happen, since Greta is once again my main PC since Audrey has been handling my audio conversion tasks as of late. Her hard disk is only 320gb currently. A 1TB would be nice, but I would have to reinstall Windows yet again, and I just did so at the end of February. Maybe a Toshiba Canvio?

What about a wonderful new carrying case? Or a fancy new mouse? How about a piece of software I have been really wanting to purchase, but couldn't due to lack of funds?

So many choices.... so little time.

Greta is just about to turn two, but even so, I already picked the name for her successor. Even though Greta hasn't given me trouble at all, she will eventually need to be replaced due to hardware failure or by just becoming outdated. It's a sad fact of owning a computer, unfortunately. Sad

As for said name, try to remember the name of the bunny in my avatar. Then, you'll know. Wink
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Let me try to get this forum hoppin' again by asking.... do any of you here have anything interesting to share? I don't, at the present time.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
So, I had a theory about Disney Junior, stemming from the fact that during the beginning of May, the Disney Junior block on the main Disney Channel gets reduced by a few hours so they can expand their "tween" comedies and whatnot.

What if Disney Junior the channel rotates programming for summer?

With this in mind, I kept the word "Otter" in my DVR's keyword search function, which allows you to search for programming guide events up to two weeks ahead.

Guess what program showed up on May 1st?

Big Grin

I guess I need to spend the next few days clearing off my DVR. So many other shows on there.... yet, so little time.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:Let me try to get this forum hoppin' again by asking.... do any of you here have anything interesting to share? I don't, at the present time.
Today, on the way home through a jammed freeway, a car hit my car from behind. Thanks to the fact that it was in a traffic jam, the impact was light enough not to cause significant damage to my car other than slightly dislocated rear bumper plus some scratches, and a dent at the spare tire case. (My car is an SUV which has its spare tire attached at the back). The other person's car was a small sedan, and had a huge inward dent.

We stopped at the side to talk, and he immediately admitted that he was at fault for falling asleep on the wheel. He was a college student with little money in his wallet. So in the end, I only took a photo of his ID and he also gave me his contact number.

At home, I told my mother about the event, and she told me to just let it go if there's no significant damage. Well, I fully agreed with that.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Today, on the way home through a jammed freeway, a car hit my car from behind. Thanks to the fact that it was in a traffic jam, the impact was light enough not to cause significant damage to my car other than slightly dislocated rear bumper plus some scratches, and a dent at the spare tire case. (My car is an SUV which has its spare tire attached at the back). The other person's car was a small sedan, and had a huge inward dent.

We stopped at the side to talk, and he immediately admitted that he was at fault for falling asleep on the wheel. He was a college student with little money in his wallet. So in the end, I only took a photo of his ID and he also gave me his contact number.

At home, I told my mother about the event, and she told me to just let it go if there's no significant damage. Well, I fully agreed with that.

In the USA, it's mandatory to get car insurance, so if you end up getting into an accident, even if it's a small one, you will still have to call the authorities to get everything sorted out, as far as I am aware.

Is car insurance mandatory where you live? Even if it isn't, you should have still let the cops know about the accident. The sleepy driver needs to learn his lesson and receive a citation or fine. The damage may be insignificant, but the roads need to remain safe, no matter where one lives. But that's just my opinion.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Here is one thing about Disney Junior that is annoying.

Whenever a program has end credits with just music and the actual credits, they crunch the credits into a small window and have a larger window display a short animation or promo for another DJ show.

Shows that have interactive elements during the credits, such as Special Agent Oso, don't suffer from this.

Even stranger.... Guess How Much I Love You just has simple credits with nothing interactive, and it doesn't get the credit crunch either. Then again, the text is small, and crunching it would make them impossible to read.

In all honesty, I bet PB&j will get subject to this credits crunch. Charlie & Lola do so, covering up the awesome end credits theme.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Here is a Spam Thread post that is related to SSC...

Well, maybe not truly related to SSC, but hey, it's dessert.
[Image: DSCF7445.JPG]

Meet JJ's Fruit Pies. These yummy things are found at supermarkets and C-Stores all over the USA. Here pictured is their Apple and Cherry pies. They also make Blueberry, Lemon, Peach, and Chocolate pies, but in my area, only the Lemon, Peach, and Chocolate varieties show up on rare occasions.

There are competitors. Little Debbie has their own pies, but methinks JJs manufactures them under the Little Debbie name. The bakery license info on the back of both brands is the same.

Sara Lee also came out with their own pies. Hostess and Mrs. Freshleys also make snack pies, but they are slightly bigger and wrapped in wax paper.

So, the snack dessert industry is competitive, and delicious. Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:In the USA, it's mandatory to get car insurance, so if you end up getting into an accident, even if it's a small one, you will still have to call the authorities to get everything sorted out, as far as I am aware.

Is car insurance mandatory where you live? Even if it isn't, you should have still let the cops know about the accident. The sleepy driver needs to learn his lesson and receive a citation or fine. The damage may be insignificant, but the roads need to remain safe, no matter where one lives. But that's just my opinion.
In Indonesia, things work pretty much differently. In fact, I was lucky that no cops happened to be around. They would have sucked his wallet and mine dry, and just complicated things. I don't know how cops work over there, but over here they are mostly useless money leeches.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:In Indonesia, things work pretty much differently. In fact, I was lucky that no cops happened to be around. They would have sucked his wallet and mine dry, and just complicated things. I don't know how cops work over there, but over here they are mostly useless money leeches.

You can say that again... :/
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Only two more days till Hoohaw Day.... as I'm going to call it.

And, a new feature from me. Dessert reviews. Seeing as how SSC is based solely on candy and desserts, why not review actual desserts like those fruit pies, or cookies, or Oreo knockoffs?

I will place those reviews in the Members Lounge, each one getting it's own thread. You will be surprised at just the wide variety of desserts that you can find at your local C-Store. Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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