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The Spam Thread!
As if adding an AC adapter or some power/data/video/whatever lead would be that expensive for a factory to pull off. I've seen ultra-cheap, sub-20 dollar cellphones being sold and yet they still come with a charger as standard.

ATGames sure couldn't seem to care even if they've become something of a joke amongst the retrogaming community, ain't they? Wonder if their Android-powered Genesis clone has been hacked lately though. And by that I meant hacked to run AOSP or at least a better emulator, or perhaps its cartridge slot exploited to dump Genesis carts for those who aren't bothered to download ROMs off websites we aren't legally allowed to even mention.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Well, I was reading up on the 2018 revision of the Genesis HD Flashback from a forum thread on AtariAge. It appears the emulation in the 2018 revision is much better and it also adds and SD card slot for firmware updates and backing up save data. I know the original 2017 version was hacked according to some forum posts on that thread, but people were lamenting that the 2018 model appears to lack ADB debugging, which makes homebrew efforts a bit harder. Others are speculating on how the SD card works and whether that could be a key to adding more ROMs or flashing a custom firmware.

I'm actually interested in getting the 2018 re-release, but I'll have to watch some video reviews before committing to it since my non-emulation Genesis clone is on it's way.

As for the Legends Flashback, I applied a firmware update and I'll see if that fixes the minor sound issues. It does add some usability improvements such as adding credits using Start+Down. Before, you had to manually press the reset button to bring up the in-game menu where you could add up to four credits at a time. They didn't bother putting a Menu button on the controller itself, which is mind-boggling.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
(02-27-2019, 11:26 AM)cpd2009 Wrote: Well, I was reading up on the 2018 revision of the Genesis HD Flashback from a forum thread on AtariAge. It appears the emulation in the 2018 revision is much better and it also adds and SD card slot for firmware updates and backing up save data. I know the original 2017 version was hacked according to some forum posts on that thread, but people were lamenting that the 2018 model appears to lack ADB debugging, which makes homebrew efforts a bit harder. Others are speculating on how the SD card works and whether that could be a key to adding more ROMs or flashing a custom firmware.

I'm actually interested in getting the 2018 re-release, but I'll have to watch some video reviews before committing to it since my non-emulation Genesis clone is on it's way.

As for the Legends Flashback, I applied a firmware update and I'll see if that fixes the minor sound issues. It does add some usability improvements such as adding credits using Start+Down. Before, you had to manually press the reset button to bring up the in-game menu where you could add up to four credits at a time. They didn't bother putting a Menu button on the controller itself, which is mind-boggling.
Here's hoping that the 2018 revision still ran on Android though.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
The GN Twin has arrived. And it works. Smile A 2007 Famiclone original. First game I tested? Sonic Jam 6, the infamous Sonic-in-Super-Mario-Bros bootleg game. I found a copy on eBay in 2015 for a decent price and couldn't pass it up.

You start as red Sonic, and you turn blue once you get the mushroom. Get a fire flower and you stay blue Sonic yet you can now shoot fireballs. True to his nature, Sonic retains his natural speed at the expense of maintaining any sense of control. Expect to rocket off ledges and miss platforms by a country mile. And also marvel at his ability to levitate in front of the castle door. Tongue

In all seriousness, the game is bad yet fun to play. It also has screen tearing which occurs on both real hardware and clone systems. It's probably the only retro game I know of that has screen tearing.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Why is it a thing for us to appreciate works that are critically panned? Like there's a whole movement called "camp" that does all that. Tim Curry, for one, reveled in that aesthetic, from Rocky Horror to Annie to everything in between, even the Wild Thornberrys.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
March is here, and where I'm at, there's nearly 30 inches of snow on the ground thanks to successive snow storms and record low temps. And it's gonna be another cold night....

Anyway.. I recently found a very good wireless router. A local computer shop had an ASUS RT-N12 Wireless router for a good price brand new. I just set it up today and it was very easy. Plug it in to the wall, plug in the ethernet cables and fire up the browser on a PC connected to the router. Setup was a breeze and I made sure to set custom passwords for the wireless network and admin settings.

I'm currently testing the connection with my Android TV box, and it's working great. Stable signal and no connection dropouts.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Good thing you told me about that router. A friend of mine in New York was asking for a router that I could vouch for her.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]

American advertising for children just get's weirder and weirder. This came across as a pre-roll ad before watching a video on YouTube. 30 seconds of.... wha?
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
(03-06-2019, 09:25 AM)cpd2009 Wrote:
American advertising for children just get's weirder and weirder. This came across as a pre-roll ad before watching a video on YouTube. 30 seconds of.... wha?
As long as it amuses children somehow, I guess.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]

Just spotted this on TV tonight. It's an ad for an anti-allergy medicine called Claritin, but it features a mom sharing a very old, dusty retro game with her son.

The most interesting thing? It appears the producers recolored a Hyperkin Retron1 HD to act as the stand in for an actual NES. The "console" has a corner that is flat like a triangle, which is colored blue in the ad. This spot on the Retron1 HD is normally a glowing Hyperkin logo when powered on. The "game" is also made up, appearing to use a modded Famicom cart.

I will say this. While it's fun for a retro gamer like me to pick apart this ad, it's also cool that retro games are being given a nod in prime-time TV advertising. It would have been better if Nintendo or even Sega licensed an actual likeness of their systems. Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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